Vaginal discharge during pregnancy, when is it normal and when should we worry?

The vaginal flow losses during pregnancy They may be different from those experienced by women in other stages of their lives, depending on the menstrual cycle. But most losses are normal and should not worry us.

The clear and milky flow is very similar to what women usually have before the menstrual period, although it may sometimes be more abundant, which is known as "leucorrhoea." Due to this increase in intensity, many women prefer to wear a salvaslip or small compress to feel more comfortable and safe.

What should not be used during pregnancy to retain vaginal discharge are buffers, as they could lead to an infection. It is also advisable a cotton underwear and keep the genital area clean and dry to avoid infections, although without getting into obsession.

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This punctualization is necessary, since if we wash the area too often we can eliminate the natural protective flora of the vulva and feel discomfort while facilitating the entry of bacteria and produce bacterial vaginitis. With the daily shower (or two showers, in the morning and at night) is enough.

This type of flow is more abundant during pregnancy partly due to increased estrogen production and increased blood risk to the vaginal area.

When should we worry about vaginal discharge in pregnancy?

Just as that whitish flow is normal, there may be others types of flow during pregnancy that indicate the presence of an infection. In this sense, the symptoms of vaginitis would be the presence of a yellowish, greenish or thick flow, accompanied by bad smell, burning, itching, redness or pain.

In these cases you have to go to the doctor (even if we have suffered a similar infection in the past and think we know how to treat it) and this will confirm the infection and send the appropriate treatment, which will depend on the type of infection.

  • For yeast infections that could be transmitted to the baby during childbirth, the specialist may prescribe suppositories, gels, ointments or vaginal creams (this is a recurrent infection that usually returns after delivery).

  • If it's about a bacterial vaginitis, the doctor prescribes an immediate oral treatment.

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If we are facing a sexually transmitted infection it is recommended not to have sex until the woman and her partner no longer have the infection, or the use of condoms.

We remind you at this point the tips to prevent vaginal infections during pregnancy: moderate and not excessive intimate hygiene, drying after showering to prevent the vulva area from being wet, avoid tight clothing, always clean from front to back after to go to the bathroom ...

False vaginal discharge and warning signs

Of course, if what we notice is not loss of flow but loss of blood during pregnancy, we must go to the doctor in the case of small losses and urgently to the hospital if it is the case of an abundant loss due to the risk of abortion.

The same would happen if the losses are not flow but amniotic fluid, which could happen especially in the final stretch of pregnancy.

Also at the end of pregnancy we can notice a sudden increase in mucous, thick, transparent or yellowish or brown flow, sometimes dyed with blood, with pinkish or reddish tones: this could be the mucous plug of pregnancy that is detaching, indicating that the time of delivery is approaching.

But as we have explained, in the case of vaginal discharge during pregnancy We must distinguish between normal losses that should not worry us (white, milky, odorless or with a slight odor) and those that may indicate that there is an infection (of a color other than white and with a bad smell).

Photos | iStock and laura dye on Flickr-CC

Video: Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy (July 2024).