Google Science Fair 2013 invites students between 13 and 18 to change the world

Google has already officially presented the new edition of its Science Fair (Google Science Fair) for youth ages 13 to 18 from any corner of the planet. CERN, the LEGO Group, National Geographic and Scientific American participate in this third edition and the challenge is to find the new generation of scientists and engineers. Last year there were Spanish winners whom we met a little more in Peques and Más. And this science fair is a great showcase and thousands of students from more than 90 countries have participated by sending their research projects. The winners of previous editions worked on the early diagnosis of breast cancer, how to improve the experience of listening to music for people with hearing loss and how to catalog the aquatic ecosystem, a project led by Antonio Guillén.

At Google blog more information can be found and although it seems to me that the Schools have their own channels to get all the necessary information to participate, here we list some key milestones: you can participate in 13 different languages, the deadline for registration is April 30, 2013, the judges will select 15 finalists who will travel to Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California (USA). The live final will be held on September 23, 2013. All submitted projects will pass intermediate evaluations until they reach a winner who will receive a series of prizes, including a $ 50,000 grant (more than 50,000 euros) from Google, as well as different gifts from the companies that sponsor the event.

Google will make hangouts (videoconferences) available to participants live via Google+. Hangouts will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will include renowned scientists such as inventor Dean Kamen or oceanographic explorer Fabien Cousteau. The challenge is that in these videoconferences the participants will be inspired, find guides and references during the contest.

On the page of Google Science Fair 2013 You will find all the data and details to participate, as well as tools and instructions to present the project. We encourage many Spanish projects to be presented and we wish all the participants good luck.

Video: The Awards Show 2013 (July 2024).