Post photos of your measles baby to raise awareness about the importance of vaccinating children

Only three days ago we echoed a chilling fact published by WHO: Measles cases have increased by 300% worldwide during the first three months of the year, compared to the same period recorded in 2018.

Among the causes of this worrying uptick are the anti-vaccine movements, which seriously endanger the lives of people who, for different reasons, cannot get vaccinated.

Such has been the case of Alba, a baby from the United Kingdom who has been infected with measles because she was not immunized against this disease, because she had not yet reached the minimum age required to receive the first dose of the triple viral vaccine. His mother wanted to share his story to raise awareness among other parents about the importance of properly vaccinating your children, in order to avoid such situations.

"Please read and share with all parents. Thank you."

"The doctors and nurses at Chelsea West Hospital have asked us to share these photos of Alba to awareness about the importance of vaccines. Publishing these images of our daughter is heartbreaking, because we are still with her in the hospital eight days after being admitted "

"Sunrise she was too small to receive the triple viral vaccine, so that when he has measles he has had to fight the virus without immunity. But measles is not just an eruption; It can cause blindness, encephalitis and pneumonia. That is why we need to raise all parents to vaccinate their children "

"The triple viral vaccine does not cause life-threatening problems, as does measles. It may cause a few tenths of a fever, but believe me that it is better than going through what we are going through. "

In Babies and more The triple viral vaccine does not cause autism: a new study confirms it again

"It has been absolutely horrible to see our daughter fight this virus with her eyes closed for four days. She has been in the dark, scared of a high fever that lasts more than two weeks. In the hospital she has been scanned, x-rays, They have taken blood, have had lumbar punctures, cannulas have been placed, samples have been taken with swabs, they have made electros, they have fed him by tube, they have put drippers, oxygen, and they have administered all kinds of medication for ease the pain"

"Y all this could have been avoided if older children who have been in contact with Alba had been properly vaccinated against measles "

"Inform yourself, talk about it, spread truthful information and share this post. I do this because without the care of the doctors who are taking care of us, our baby would not be with us today."

"All the tests that have been done to Alba were necessary to know how the disease was affecting him. Because measles has deteriorated rapidly, and his health is extremely bad. As complications associated with the disease, Alba has also contracted Kawasaki disease, a possible meningitis and, of course, secondary infections "

"Therefore, this post tries to make people see the terrible effects that This virus can cause a baby's vulnerable body"

The baby had not yet been vaccinated

The measles vaccine is part of the triple viral, along with that of rubella and mumps. According to the vaccination calendar, a first dose is administered between 12 and 15 months and a second dose of memory between two and four years.

In Babies and more The AEP advises vaccinating measles for children under one year of age who travel with extended stays to countries affected by the outbreak

Alba had not yet reached the minimum recommended age, hence I was not yet immunized against this disease. The same applies to immunocompromised children or with justified medical causes that contraindicate the vaccine.

Therefore, once again the importance of properly vaccinating our children, both during childhood and adolescence, and also vaccinating as adults for continue to maintain group immunity among all and protect those who need it most.

A disease that can cause death

Measles is caused by a highly contagious virus, which causes high fever and a rash throughout the body, cough and conjunctivitis. If there are no complications, it is a disease with a good prognosis, but even in a quarter of cases there are, and can lead to otitis, pneumonia, encephalitis or even cause death.

Not surprisingly, according to figures published by WHO, in 2017 measles was responsible for approximately 110,000 deaths worldwide.

We hope that little Alba recovers as soon as possible, and that her story helps raise awareness of undecided parents with the vaccination of their children. Why vaccines save lives, and not vaccinating children leaves them vulnerable for the rest of their lives, in addition to seriously endangering the lives of other people who cannot be vaccinated for justified medical reasons.

Video: Measles Rubella vaccine is safe, say doctors (July 2024).