“It works !: Healthy children all year round” is as dangerous as I thought

A few days ago I told you that a book entitled “It works !: Healthy children all year” had been published and I offered my vision about it, making a call to common sense, to avoid putting children at risk.

When someone tells me about homeopathy for children I get bad, because hey, if you want to go to homeopath and spend your money on a placebo, you are free, but children can't decide, so when you use homeopathy with them we are playing with your health. Luckily, most children's conditions heal on their own, but not all of them do it for good, and the risk may exist.

This is what I have noticed when reading the part of this book dedicated to ear conditions, thanks to the 15 pages that are available on the I like to read website and that show that the book “It works !: Healthy children all year round” is as dangerous as I thought.

On page 12 we can see that one of the remedies for ear conditions is Hepar Sulfur 30 CH, about which says the following:

This remedy is used when there is infection in the ear area and the child has a painful congestion and is very sensitive to contact. The child feels stabbing, so he can be calm and suddenly start crying because he notices a sudden prick. There is a yellowish discharge with a bad smell. It is important to remember that the dilution recommended in this case will not be less than 30 CH, as there is a risk of perforation of the eardrum.

Not that I give him something to cure him and we will avoid such perforation, I would add. He Hepar Sulfur It is sulfur, a nonmetal chemical element that is used as a fertilizer and to make gunpowder, laxatives, matches and insecticides.

And with this alone I doubt that he will cure any child of an otitis, but even if he believed me, a dilution of 30 CH is equivalent to putting a Hepar Sulfur molecule in a water sphere with a diameter of 150 million kilometers (the distance between the Sun and the Earth). With this I assure, without any fear of being wrong, that it is impossible that the Hepar Sulfur 30 CH cure nothing.

So before a child with a suppurating horse otitis treated with Sulfur 30 CH all we can do is pray, pray a lot and touch the wooden table in the dining room, which says that touching wood things go better.

Video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Childrens Lives (July 2024).