"Yoga is a great preparation for childbirth." Interview with Mari Cruz Isasi, yoga and meditation teacher

For a few months now we are working hard to offer our readers interviews with experts who have a lot to teach us about parenting, education, the best way to be born or, in this case, some practices that can offer great benefits for pregnant moms and for the children. On this occasion we published an interview with Mari Cruz Isasi, yoga and meditation teacher, a mother with great experience in classes for pregnant women and children.

Mari Cruz Isasi is a yoga and meditation teacher and has worked extensively with pregnant women, postpartum mothers, children and families, and is also the author of several meditation books. Our readers will know it because we have cited his blog Macedonia of Sweet Fruit and Meditate to Be on several occasions.

What benefits does yoga have for pregnant women?

Besides that you can get your stress level down, whoever suffers from it, which is unfortunately the majority, makes you more aware of your body and trust it. This helps you feel responsible for your delivery.

Yoga is a great preparation for childbirth, feeling the child, learning to breathe, but above all it is the awareness of oneself and one's body, although perhaps the most beautiful thing is that it can help you connect with your child and feel it completely .


Can it be practiced throughout the entire pregnancy?

Many books recommend practicing it from the third month, but I suppose it is to take care of your back.

If the mother feels she wants to do yoga, she can do it throughout the pregnancy, gently, always listening to her body, without forcing any position, also listening to her baby and enjoying each asana a lot.

What benefits does it have for newly born mothers?

Making it clear that I do not recommend that mothers leave their children to go to do yoga for even an hour, if they practice it next to their babies it can be very beautiful. Lying by his side.

The physical benefits are not the ones I want to highlight the most. I took my daughter to class from the first week of life, sometimes I just picked her up or gave her a tit, but it didn't matter because we used the same energy as the class.

If you find a teacher that makes you see that your home is just not the same, you have found the teacher you were looking for, if you find a teacher or teacher I will not even tell you. Meditating with your child by your side is beautiful.

I was lucky enough to do it guided by a great teacher, mine and it was a real wonder. I know that with his presence and vibration he helped me connect with my heart, so I didn't know. And I know that both my daughter with days and months, and my son with 7 years were able to experience higher states of consciousness.
When did you start doing yoga and meditation and why?

More than ten years ago I started in practice. I was going through a crisis stage in my life and yoga came to me.

Did your motherhood have anything to do with this?

I can well say that my daughter came into the world because through the practice of yoga and meditation I realized that I wanted to be a mother again.

Being aware of myself also helped me to reconcile with myself and with attitudes and mistakes I had made with my first child.

Have these practices helped you in your motherhood?

Thanks to yoga, I realized that I was doing the wrong thing with my son.

The boy was very very restless, he was constantly drawing the attention of me and other people. He was not a happy child and had a great need to be loved and accepted by people. To achieve this, he did whatever it took to get his attention and only got rejection. I had no self-esteem.

I consider myself responsible for this. I did an absolutely unnatural and detached upbringing, which, unfortunately, many people do for considering it normal.

I had very beautiful experiences, of mental clarity, in the meditations, and decided to change the way of raising and educating him. I looked for the solution not in my son, because I was confident that he was fine. I decided to take him out of school and educate him at home and that led me to meet many families who raise in a much more attached and respectful way.

My new motherhood also helped me, because the maternal instinct so intense towards my second daughter, who was born after a very conscious pregnancy and a natural birth at home and with whom I felt a very strong bond, made the instinct numb towards my first child reborn Everything flowed differently.

We have to continue interviewing Mari Cruz Isasi, yoga and meditation teacher, delving into the next part in what we can offer our children to do these practices, because the control of stress, self-esteem and the feeling of physical well-being that is related to them can also be within their reach.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).