The risks of pregnancy and childbirth after cancer

Today, thanks in large part to fertility and egg conservation treatments there are chances of having a pregnancy when the woman has previously had cancer.

However, logically having gone through such an aggressive disease It involves some possible risks of developing complications.

A study conducted in Scotland indicates that although there are not necessarily more risks during pregnancy than a woman who has not had cancer, however there are certain aspects to be aware of.

The researchers observed that in the group of women who had survived cancer treatment they were 56% more likely to have hemorrhages after childbirth, 33% more likely to need a caesarean section or help instruments in vaginal delivery and the same percentage had given birth to premature babies under 37 weeks gestation.

The hemorrhage data has surprised scientists who cannot find a biological reason to cause it. On the other hand, we should see what percentage of healthy women are more likely to develop postpartum hemorrhages to know if the difference is really significant.

With regard to premature babies, they believe that it could be due to the effects of radiation therapy that reduce uterine volume, while that of caesarean sections should be taken with tweezers because it is because insurers are covered because it is considered the best option due to the patient's medical history. That is why it is normal for there to be more interventions in these women.

Fortunately, many women who have had cancer become mothers without any problems. You don't have to be frivolous, but the data is very reassuring for those who want to fulfill the dream of becoming mothers.

Video: Risks associated with pregnancy after a breast cancer diagnosis (July 2024).