Egg transplant, a growing demand

In the past, a woman who was a mother from the age of 30 was called primípara añosa, a description that referred to mothers whose age presented possible complications in childbirth. It has rained since then and what was an exception, is now commonplace.

This is the case shown by the digital publication Malaga Today, Malaga mothers have delayed conception, the average being the age of 30 years. We would also add that this is not a unique and exclusive condition of Malaga, in other Spanish provinces it also occurs. The fact is that delaying pregnancy brings some inconveniences, in this case we refer to the growing demand for donated eggs to get offspring. In many cases, age is the responsible factor, since as the years go by, the ovules generated by the woman's body are no longer valid. Experts, gynecologists, biologists, etc., warn about this situation by stating that the number of women requesting ovules will increase in successive years and indicate that it is necessary to adjust within the time margins in order to have a child. A pregnancy whose mother is 25 years old is a cause of happiness for gynecologists because it is a greater guarantee that the outcome will be as expected, at least indicated by the gynecologist Ignacio Cano.

What is certain, is that the obstacles increase so that a woman can be a mother at that age and as a consequence of them, it is inevitable to postpone motherhood. Surely many readers know a couple that delays the extension of the family hoping to acquire a better status that allows them to properly raise their child, at least some of those we know.

The fact is that this seems to be a growing market and tomorrow the ovules will be very much in demand, but a warning is performed by gynecologists, excessively delaying motherhood can even affect conception despite receiving donated eggs.

Video: How Close Are We to Farming Human Body Parts? (July 2024).