Prevent varicose veins in pregnancy

The legs during pregnancy withstand an overload due to increased blood circulation and increased pressure inside. The progressive increase of the uterus exerts a pressure on the venous drainage and is in the third trimester when it worsens, making it difficult to return venous. The walls of the veins relax and become prone to dilate and deform, varicose veins have appeared.

it's possible prevent varicose veins in pregnancyTo do this, take note of the advice given by specialists:

  • Avoid standing for a long time and when you are, change your position and rest frequently.
  • If you are sitting, do not cross your legs for a long time.
  • Whenever you have occasion, raise your legs above the level of the heart.
  • Sleep with your legs slightly raised, you can put a cushion under the mattress for this effect.
  • Use anti-varicose socks for pregnant women, it is not convenient to wear socks or socks that compress the lower part of the knee.
  • Perform exercises to benefit the circulation of the legs, lift them, walk, nothing ...
  • Try not to gain too much weight in pregnancy, the more weight, the more pressure.
  • Perform while you can circulate leg massages, you can also do them the future dad or someone close, will favor blood flow and rest better.

Generally varicose veins caused by pregnancy are not severe and surgery should not be used unless recommended by the doctor. Following these guidelines you can prevent its appearance, control its progression, reduce discomfort and avoid complications.

Video: How can I prevent varicose veins? (May 2024).