Wakes up in a bad mood

There are many children who find it hard to wake up in the morning, even having slept enough hours, they wake up in a bad mood.

The reaction at the time of awakening and the time you need to wake up, goes with the metabolism of each person. If you are a day person, facing the day with energy and without major shocks, do not expect your child to react the same. Each child has their own rhythm to connect to the waking state, some need more time than others and must be respected. Instead of insisting to get up, it is preferable to wake him up 15 minutes before so he has time to react little by little.

Morning pampering also usually works, a little kiss, talk to you and explain the fun things that await you that morning, even putting one of your favorite songs can provide you with more good being and good humor. But in addition to all this, it is necessary to rule out some reasons that may be the cause of your bad mood: You may be going through your time of fears and nightmares, if so, you have to do everything possible to overcome them. Maybe he doesn't get enough sleep, he values ​​the real hours of sleep, maybe he puts you to bed soon but it takes a long time to fall asleep.

Children can also have bad times and you have to find out if something happens. Do not ask him in the morning, talk to him at a time when he is receptive and ask him about school, about friends, about toys ... It would also be convenient to talk to the teacher, he can tell if there have been changes in the child.

Maybe, since he doesn't like to get up early, he gets up in a bad mood and has become a habit. Be that as it may, there is help and talk with him, make him understand that his behavior does not please the rest of the family, set an example (although some also cost us) and be the most chatty files in the morning. There is nothing better to start the day than to get up in time in the morning to enjoy a good breakfast with your family.

Video: Waking Up Depressed? Why It's Normal During Awakening & What To Do (July 2024).