Guide to choosing a baby carrier: 15 ergonomic backpacks

A few days ago we published a guide of cloth carrier with its different characteristics, knotting techniques and tips to choose the most appropriate to the needs of each family. But if you are looking for an ergonomic backpack, Today we bring you a complete analysis of the main backpacks in the market.

If you have begun to look for a backpack to carry your baby, you will have noticed the number of models and brands that exist. There are ergonomic backpacks to carry from birth and others focused on the porting of older children: where to start looking? We tell you all the details!

The first thing to keep in mind when choosing a carrying backpack is that it is ergonomic and respect the physiognomy of the baby and the carrier, something that is not achieved with all the backpacks that can be purchased in the market.

As we said in the previous post about fabric baby carrier, there is no "ideal ergonomic backpack", because each model has different characteristics that can fit, or not, in a certain family.

And it is not the same to carry the baby at specific times than to do it daily, nor the urban portage that the portage while hiking. Nor does it have anything to do with carrying a baby than carrying an older child ... In short, each case is unique and in specialized stores it is where they will know best and inform you of the most convenient backpack for your specific case.

That said, we present below a guide with the main models of baby carrier backpacks distributed by age groups. We hope you find it useful!

Newborn backpacks

There are backpacks designed to carry the baby from birth, without resorting to the use of reducers. With them you can carry from the beginning, and depending on the backpack model and the complexion of your baby, it can last from a few months to three years of life of your child.


Although they are cataloged as "backpacks", the Caboo are really a hybrid between scarf and backpack, because they are made of scarf fabric but do not require knots or adjustments, so they are very comfortable and simple to put on.

Like the scarves, the Caboo backpacks are soft, enveloping and perfectly pick up the newborn from the first day, so they make them the perfect option for those who seek to wear in scarf but do not dare with knots. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that they usually stay small very soon.

There are several models of Caboo backpacks. The one we show you in the picture is a Close Parent Caboo and you can find it on Amazon for 72.46 euros.


Also the Emei Baby mixes the scarf and backpack combining the advantages of both baby carriers, but with a longer lifespan than the previous ones. Its body composed of woven tissue adapts perfectly to the physiognomy of the baby and grows as it develops. It adjusts with a simple and fast movement and allows it to be used until the end of the portage (15 kg or 4 years of age, approximately).

There are different models that we can find in specialized stores, from 142 euros to 156 euros, approximately.


This is a backpack that combines the practicality and fit of the Emeibaby backpack we just saw, with the versatility and comfort provided by the long strips of a mei tai baby carrier.

This backpack adapts perfectly to the child from birth and until he turns two or three years of age, and being made of scarf fabric they are especially comfortable for the baby.

We can find it in specialized stores for 162 euros.


The Marsupi is a very comfortable and lightweight backpack that allows the baby to carry it from birth. However, it must be taken into account that its short panel and the fact that the straps are not padded They do not make it suitable for carrying beyond the first months of the baby's life.

The main features of Marsupi backpacks are their lightness, soft touch and ease of use, which makes them the option ideal for beginner porters.

The photo model is a Marsupi Compact that you can find on Amazon for 58.62 euros.

Buzzidil ​​Baby

The "Baby" model of Buzzidil ​​backpacks allows to be used since the baby is one month old, approximately and up to 18 months. It is a high quality evolutionary backpack, and whose panel made of scarf fabric, fits comfortably to the child's back.

The photo model can be purchased in specialized stores for 135.90 euros.

Ergobaby Adapt

The brand "Ergobaby" is perhaps one of the best known backpacks in the market, and with this model the porting is allowed from three or four months of the baby and until approximately two or three years of age, or 20 kg. It allows to carry both front, back and hip.

You can find it on Amazon for 149.90 euros.

Amazon Smart Carrier

Like the previous one, this backpack can also be used until two or three years of age, and although we could start using it from birth, It is advisable to wait for the baby to have three or four months, approximately. It is a very comfortable backpack to adjust, lightweight and easy to use.

You can find it on Amazon for 66.79 euros.

Backpacks from six months

Although there are backpacks that are sold with reducers or adapters to carry the baby of his birth, the porters do not usually recommend their use until the child is approximately six or seven months, because they do not adapt to the physiognomy of the newborn in the same way as those we have just analyzed.

Depending on the backpack and the embergadura of the child, they can last up to three or four years. There are numerous models on the market, but we have made a selection of some of them that we present below:


Boba backpacks are a excellent option to carry our baby up to two or three years, approximately (depending on the model). They are very easy to put on and adjust backpacks, light and with a good weight distribution between the hip and the shoulders of the wearer.

The photo backpack is a Boba 4G model that you can find on Amazon for 125 euros.


Except for the Duo model we have seen above, Manduca backpacks should be used after six months of life of the baby. This backpack allows three porting positions: front, back and hip, and they are a perfect choice to carry until the baby reaches approximately three years of age.

The photo model is a Pure Cotton Manduca and can be found on Amazon for 98.95 euros.


And as in the previous case, except for the Ergobaby Adapt model, it is recommended that This backpack is used from six months of life of the baby and the entire porting stage lasts, that is, up to 20 kg or approximately four years of age.

It is a lightweight backpack, which takes up little space, made of 100% cotton and with padded straps that provide great comfort to the wearer. Like the "Ergobaby Adapt" model, it allows the child to be carried both in front and on the back or at the hip.

The photo model can be found on Amazon for 116.36 euros.


Beco backpacks stand out for their ligereza, softness of fabrics and preformed seat that allow the baby to maintain the correct posture during its entire porting stage. As a novelty, these backpacks allow you to cross the straps from behind, adapting to the comfort of the carrier.

The photo model is a Beco Soleil that can be purchased at Amazon for 80 euros.


It is one of the largest backpacks in the market, both in height and in width of base and backrest, which allows it to be used for a long time with total comfort for the child and the carrier. It has a wide belt that allows better distribution of the weight in the hip, discharging pressure on the shoulders.

The photo model is a Tula Baby Carrier available on Amazon for 163.17 euros.

Backpacks for older children

When we talk about "porting", we immediately think of newborns or young babies. However, porting has no age limit. When a child who is already autonomous, runs, jumps and plays independently, asks us to carry him in his arms, why deny them that need for contact when they need it?

Within this group of backpacks, we leave you the models that we liked the most:

Buzzidil ​​Preschooler

It is the largest backpack that currently exists in the market, and a recent novelty inside Buzzidil ​​backpacks. Is valid to carry from two years of age and up to five years, approximately, or 116 cm high.

It is a backpack whose wide panel is made of scarf fabric and has a wide belt that offers greater comfort and support to the carrier. The photo model is available in specialized stores for 159.90 euros.

Tula Toodler

This backpack is made of 100% cotton, and thanks to its large panel its use is recommended after two years or two and a half years of the child, and until the age of five, approximately.

It is a very comfortable and easy-to-use backpack, since both its structure and the shape and padding of the straps help reduce weight on the shoulders and distribute it around the hip area of ​​the wearer.

The photo model is available on Amazon for 157.54 euros.

Beco Toodler

Like the previous one, this backpack is specially designed to carry from approximately two years. It has a powerful padding in the area of ​​the hams, which gives greater comfort to the child.

It is a soft and adaptable backpack, with thick and padded shoulder straps. Perfect for carrying both back and front.

The photography model can be found on Amazon for 135 euros.

  • In Babies and More The porting of older children: tips and more suitable baby carriers from a certain age, Guide to choose a baby carrier: scarves, shoulder bags, mei tai and lightweight baby carriers, Ergonomic porting finally reaches health professionals through of the University

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Video: Baby Carrier Guide (July 2024).