The beautiful message of a mother who shows us what the "tribes" are like in 2017

I recently told you in an article why it is easier to be a mother if you have a tribe. And it is to have a group of mothers who listen to you and understand you, it helps motherhood feel less heavy.

Today the moms' tribes have changed a lot and they are not what they used to be, now even though they still meet, many of them are virtual. And this is what a mother shows us in an image, which is accompanied by a text that tells us how are the tribes in 2017.

On Facebook it is common to find groups of mothers of different subjects: porting, breastfeeding, school, parenting or maternity in general. A quick search will give you hundreds of results from groups full of mothers like you and me.

Those groups are usually mostly a support and a place of relief for many mothers full of doubts, fears and anguishes. In them you can find the answer to questions that you may not dare to ask among your acquaintances or to learn new things that you did not know about any of the topics that I mentioned before.

Sometimes, these groups become so solid and united, that great friendships are created and you find the moms friends that you needed so much. And Abby Murphy gives us a taste of how powerful those friendships can be.

In an image that she sent to the Love What Matters page on Facebook, she tells the incredible surprise she took after talking with her virtual mother tribe, where she shared the long list of things she should do and buy for the arrival of her new baby.

Two days later, He received the car seat he needed so much at home. One of those friends he had met on the Internet had sent it to him.

For those who say the tribe is dead, this is a car seat.

He arrived at my house yesterday this afternoon. About two days after venting with a dear friend. A friend I have never met in person: one of those "virtual" friends that people make fun of because we mothers have them and rely on them. A friend who has volunteered and provided food when my son was in the hospital, a friend who was ready to board a plane to help me when I was in a sea of ​​tears at my seven months pregnant trying to move my family to across the country A friend who has offered to listen to me too many times to be told when I felt overwhelmed with the diagnosis of my daughter's autism in the middle and her subsequent treatment. A friend I have never met. A friend who goes beyond many times. One of those "virtual" friends.

She listened to me while I said how unsuspecting she was for the imminent arrival of the newest member of our family. How I still needed to need to take out the baby things, organize and wash clothes, find a babysitter, buy a car seat and have a general clue.

And here, two days later, comes a chair for the car. Not because I couldn't or wouldn't buy one eventually. But because she saw a need, a way to alleviate an element of the long list of things to do from a mother who felt overwhelmed.

This is more than a car seat for me. It will forever be a reminder that there are really good people out there: people who care, people who go beyond. My tribe

Personally I know what it is to have virtual friends with whom you understand and identify yourself. I have them, and They are the best friends I could have. Being the only one in my group of friends with children, I felt that need to find someone who understood the things I am going through.

And it is something I found on the Internet. The day I knew I was pregnant I opened a blog and began to tell a little about what I was living. I had no one else to tell and I did not want to bore my friends with my discomforts of pregnancy. Over time I met other bloggers that I now have the pride of calling friends.

Being a mom is not easy, so even if they live on the other side of the country or on the other side of the world, Finding other friends moms is something that helps a lot to understand and better carry out this adventure called maternity.

Video: Parents are Not Weight On Us Beautiful Message by Children on Tv Show (July 2024).