First trip with the baby: basic tips to get on the plane

The idea of ​​flying by plane for the first time with a baby can be a bit stressful, but the truth is that it does not have to be an unpleasant experience if we prepare the trip well. Planning schedules, the necessary and allowed luggage and taking into account some recommendations, we will make flying by plane the first step of an unforgettable vacation.

Babies can travel by plane since they are newborns (of course, better to wait a few weeks, if possible), although it is recommended that our little one has a month if the trip is very long.

Up to two years, travel free

It's important to put attention on Children under two years do not pay plane ticket, so they are not entitled to a seat either. They are sitting with us, in our skirts, with a special seat belt that fits in the father's or mother's. However, they carry their boarding pass and pay travel insurance.

From two years to 12, they do pay a ticket and have the right to a seat, in addition to their carry-on and check-in luggage.

As we already know, moving with a baby takes longer, so it is important to keep it in mind to arrive in time at the terminal and pass the controls comfortably Airport security.

Can I take the cart?

Airlines make it easier for us to travel to families and usually let embark first parents carrying a cart (It doesn't matter if it's one piece or two), to make it easier and faster to store your chair in the hold of the plane (this is allowed by most companies).

A simple and fast folding stroller will facilitate the moment of getting on the plane

We must also bear in mind that they will make us fold or disassemble the baby carriage beforehand to pass it through the airport scanner before boarding, so better if we carry the baby in his arms at that time and his things inside a bag, to do This process with greater comfort and speed.

A very comfortable stroller to take on a plane trip is the Chicco Duo Urban Plus, a chair with easy and quick reversible folding seat which becomes, in a few movements, a cozy and soft carrycot. In fact, it can be folded even with the seat, taking up little space. A comfortable chair for traveling and that will become a good ally to use in the walks of our vacation.

It is important, and especially according to the age of our little one, to choose a good flight schedule. If we do it match the nap time or night, we will have gained a lot, since it is very likely that our baby sleeps much of the journey.

What to carry on the hand luggage

What we put in our handbag will be essential for the trip to run smoothly and we can deal with any unforeseen event. If it is not possible for our baby to sleep during the flight, or the trip is very long, we will have to plan to carry something in our hand luggage with which to brighten up these hours.

We can solve it with your favorite toys, music, books or let you watch a movie. A good idea is to have paintings, a book of stickers or small board games with which to entertain you as a family. We can't forget to wear water and some healthy snack such as fruit or snacks and diapers or spare clothes if it is still very small.

Baby milk, powdered milk, sterilized water and food are allowed

It is also important to consider the liquid regulations, which allows us to carry our baby's drink and food in the carry-on bag, in addition to any medication that we need, if this is the case, although taking into account that you may be asked for proof of authenticity in the security controls.

Specifically, it is allowed to bring baby milk, powdered milk, sterilized water and food, even exceeding the usual liquid limit. These do not have to be transported in the transparent bag in which liquids under 100 ml should go, but must be prepared for inspection for airport security.

Avoid discomfort in the ears

One of the inconveniences that can worry us the most are the parents pressure changes in our baby's ears: in them, the eustachian tube is narrower and can become more easily plugged, causing pain. It is solved simply by doing that the baby sucks, especially when taking off and landing, at which time the pressure changes are recorded. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding will help the baby not feel uncomfortable. In addition, with this remedy we will prevent the baby from becoming dehydrated during the trip. If this is not possible, putting on the pacifier will have the same effect.

With planning and foresight we will make traveling with our baby more comfortable and, ultimately, a good experience for the whole family.

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