In Spain, one in three Spanish households with children requires the help of nannies

In the survey conducted by Nidmi, the digital platform specialized in the selection of domestic staff and family caregivers, the current panorama of babysitting by Spanish households. According to the survey, one in three families with minor children and in which both spouses work, requires the help of domestic workers. These data are extracted from a survey conducted by Nidmi between 1,000 Spanish homes. This percentage is significantly reduced to 10% of households, in the cases of families with children in which only one of the two parents works.

The month of September, coinciding with the return to work and school, is the period of the year in which the greater number of hiring of domestic workers. At a greater distance are the months of June and July, periods in which families require nannies to be able to take school vacations better while parents work.

The robot portrait of the families that hire this type of professionals is that of couples between 33 and 40 years old, mainly residents in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​who have between one and two dependent children. When making the selection, families value mainly experience and recommendations in the care of children that caregivers can provide, especially if they work with babies. Another of the most common requirements for child caregivers is that speak Spanish and English, that have a driving license, and that know how to cook. Among the most common attributions of the professionals, in addition to all the tasks related to childcare, there is also the performance of some tasks related to the cleaning and maintenance of the house.

For its part, the caregivers profile of children looking for work in our country, it is eminently female (90%), they have an average age of 28 years, reside mainly in Barcelona and Madrid and have proven experience in childcare. In 65% of cases they are students or have a university degree, mainly from degrees related to early childhood education. The average salary of caregivers can vary depending on different variables, such as travel, work hours or complementary activities to be performed, although it is between 700 euros per month for full days of 40 hours per week and 400 euros, if working at part time.

We remember that Nidmi It is a digital platform specialized in the selection of domestic staff and family caregivers, promoted by Montse Piquer a little over a year ago. During this period, the platform has managed to bring together 3,000 families and about 50,000 professionals. Among the services offered on the web are those of domestic service, child care, elderly and sick, special education or pets and dog walkers, among other profiles. The platform was created with the aim of improving the traditional system of searching for domestic employees due to the difficulty that, in most cases, it is for families to find the most appropriate assistant to their needs. It currently offers service throughout the Spanish territory and has just landed in Latin America.

Video: Learn Spanish for Kids - Numbers, Colors & More (July 2024).