The study of languages ​​is one of the elements that our educational system should promote

A few weeks ago the 4th CONCAPA Study - Barometer was presented with the collaboration of Master D and EF. On this occasion attention has been paid to educational and social issues such as the study of languages ​​or the relationship between family and society.

According to the data sheet of the study, the sample size has been 405 respondents who have been selected by stratified sampling with random selection of households by province (according to their population). The data was collected by telephone during the month of March this year.

It is clear from CONCAPA - Barometer that the study of languages ​​is one of the elements that our educational system should promote, since the working world to which our children should seek access will be much more globalized.

It is essential for this that teachers master foreign languages ​​(especially English); Especially since two out of three respondents consider it essential to have a good level of foreign language conversation to find work. In order of assessment we find the English, German, French and Chinese languages.

And also to improve the conversation, it is considered important that schools and families enhance exchanges with families from other countries.

Family and society

The families they suffer in our country a serious economic, labor and social crisis, and one of the concerns of the interviewees is how to deal with the economic crisis to improve the purchasing level and deal with unemployment.

Almost eight out of ten respondents (79.4%) fully agree that administrations should increase financial support to families

But one of our big problems is that we are immersed in a demographic winter, which (among other things) can be difficult to receive retirement pensions in the future. With a view to reconciliation and equality, measures such as financial support would be needed, especially for families in charge of dependent persons.

Likewise, it is considered that pregnant women should receive preferential attention, both during pregnancy and after pregnancy, ensuring the receipt of a salary and measures to enable them to return to the workplace.

Judging by the results of the Barometer, seven out of ten respondents have had to significantly reduce the budget for vacations; although on the other hand more than half of the interviewees have not reduced their children to pay or have reduced it very little, but this data is very ambiguous because the assessment will be different depending on the age of the children.

Video: Schools & Social Inequality: Crash Course Sociology #41 (July 2024).