A child who hates the bathroom, night awakenings and other doubts ... The best of Babies and more Answers

As you know, our Answers section is a space where you can ask the questions you want to be answered by the community, and at the same time you can participate by answering and voting the answers of the other users.

It is a good source of information for those who seek to share experiences and get feedback from other parents, so we review The best of Babies and more Answers in the last 15 days.

  • Our follower iskandervv, which is usual in our forum, tells us that his two-year-old son hates the bathroom and asks for any suggestions. I have received very good advice to try to turn those minutes of the day into a happy and relaxing time.

  • One of the most common topics of consultation is children's sleep. mcalomarde She has a 4-month-old baby who starts waking up every two hours at night and is desperate. Although there are no magic formulas since every baby is a world, he received some advice from moms experts in nighttime awakenings.

  • For its part, leyreh She was distraught because she is 5 months pregnant and her partner does not want to take charge. He also received a hand and suggestions of places he can go to.

  • Childhood constipation is a very common nuisance. saraseg He asked for advice because his 14-month-old baby had hard and painful bowel movements. Foods rich in fiber and soft massages are the keys to alleviate the problem.

  • By last, anye I was asking how to conceive a girl since she has a boy and would like to have the couple. It is impossible to achieve it naturally and ultimately the important thing is to receive with love the baby that will come, regardless of sex.

We invite you all to participate in our Answers section in which you can raise your doubts and concerns, as well as comment and vote on other users' questions.

Video: How to Become a Better Parent. Dr. Shefali on Impact Theory (July 2024).