Brainly: educational social network that allows students to get help and participate by providing support

We are in the final stretch of the course, and a good opportunity for you to know Brainly, a educational social network of social learning and e-learning, which bases its effectiveness on the exchange of knowledge and ideas, as well as mutual help. This service is aimed at all members of the educational community (students, teachers, parents and anyone interested in teaching), including homeschoolers families and children who do not attend class due to illness.

What is intended is to turn learning into an occasion to meet other people, and motivate users towards helping other participants. The service is free, and it is accessed through from this website At present, and after a few months of great activity on the platform, the application for Apple and Android mobile devices has been developed.

Brainly provides coverage to Spanish-speaking countries, along with similar services in Poland, Russia / Ukraine, France or Turkey. In total it is estimated that they are visited by 25 million users.

Students seek help with homework by asking questions, and at the same time implement the ability to help others who need specific answers, giving a playful orientation when doing homework; That is why they say they promote group learning. They have an added attraction, and that is that people who will meet are of different ages, and this is enriching. On the other hand, points can be accumulated and there is a classification that you can consult here.

The contents are grouped by subject, and the registration only requires email, year of birth and password, it is assumed that minors must have parental authorization, but there is no way to check it later. However, a team of moderators undertakes to monitor the breaches in the Terms of Service.

I think it can be useful if there is good supervision, to prevent children from wasting time asking questions whose answers they know, or 'scattering' in the attempt to help others; The idea of ​​fostering collaboration and meeting other students is not bad, but the objectives must be marked beforehand, and it would also be good if the daily time spent was previously set.

They assure from Brainly, that 80 percent of the questions, find answers in 10 minutes. You can start to know them by registering.

Video: Origins of the Universe 101. National Geographic (May 2024).