Carrot and chocolate muffins. Recipe

Although children love buns and cakes, we know that it is not convenient to let them abuse their consumption. That's why it's much better to prepare delicious desserts and Homemade snacks like these carrot and chocolate muffins.

They will love their taste and tenderness and we will also be sure that they are eating healthier and more natural foods, no excess fat, no additives or dyes. On the other hand, when taking them they will be taking more vegetables since they carry enough carrot in their composition.

Ingredients for 12 muffins

  • 400 gr of grated carrots, 200 grams of sugar, 2 eggs, 150 grams of flour, 150 grams of butter, a teaspoon of Royal yeast and another of baking soda, 100 grams of chocolate cover

How to make carrot and chocolate muffins

We preheat the oven to 190ºC. We mix eggs and sugar in a bowl, beating well until they increase in volume. We melt the butter in the microwave for 40 seconds and add it to the bowl mixing with the eggs and the sugar.

Next we add the flour, yeast and baking soda. Add the grated carrots and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture. With it we fill the muffin molds up to 2/3 of its capacity.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, taking out the muffins when they are golden brown and we have verified that we can put a wooden skewer inside and take it clean. We finished making the decoration.

To do this, we melt the chocolate in the microwave. With a fork, we dip in the chocolate and we make irregular drawings with chocolate, letting it drip on the muffins to give them a slight coverage that does not completely cover the top.

Processing time | 1 hour Difficulty | Easy


These carrot and chocolate muffins They are a good way to make kids homemade pastries with different flavors because they will love the soft texture of these muffins, and with the chocolate they have on top, they will not hesitate to ask you to prepare them again.

Video: Carrot Muffin recipe (July 2024).