Any society should be forced to devise judicial systems that take into account the needs of children

All children encounter obstacles in accessing justice autonomously, but those with disabilities belong to ethnic minorities, and girls experience (usually) even more difficulties.

Throughout the world, specific protection measures aimed at children are needed, because the mere extension of those intended for adults with insufficient

The violation of rights suffered by millions of children, they do not find reflection in judicial systems that watch to improve their situation in a timely manner, equitable and effective. But by themselves, children (the majority) do not have access to "justice", so they cannot occupy the corresponding place in society. There are social norms in most countries that consider it unacceptable, culturally and socially, for a child to make a claim without the consent of their parents. Even for the children themselves, it would be inconceivable to consider it. But it happens that adults do not always ensure the rights of the children they care for.

In a recent UNICEF publication, Insights: Child rights in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Promoting equitable access to justice for all children, it is recommended to increase efforts aimed at ensuring that judicial systems take into account the needs of children and train families and children.

Or what is the same, give them powers so that they can benefit from adapted procedures applied by trained professionals, or receive legal and social advice through centers dedicated to children's rights.

How would it benefit children to have access to justice?

For example it could make possible the challenge of decisions that provide for the separation of children from their parents. Or have social benefits restored that help families take care of their children, and that discriminatory decisions that stigmatize ethnic or religious groups are revoked. It can also cause children to return to school and receive health care when these rights are denied.

Recently, UNICEF has participated in a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council to discuss this issue. It seems that everyone agrees that it is obligation of society to design judicial systems that take into account the needs of children, in line with international standards.

Equitable access to justice means ensuring that all children receive the benefit and protection of justice systems

Video: The lies our culture tells us about what matters --- and a better way to live. David Brooks (May 2024).