Three babies were waiting ... and four arrived!

It seems strange that it happens today with the technology that is available in the control of pregnancy, but it has happened at the Medical Center of the Mississippi University last week.

Kimberly Fugate, pregnant (as far as she knew) from identical triplets, went to the hospital to give birth by caesarean section 13 weeks ahead of schedule. The biggest surprise was when he was finishing the delivery when he learned that three babies were waiting ... and four arrived!

After taking out the three babies and when the C-section was already running out, the doctor announces that he sees other small feet. There the fourth of the identical twins conceived naturally by this mother about to reach her 42 years came into the world.

The chances of having quadruplets naturally is one in 729,000 births. And the possibility that they are also identical quadruples is incalculable for being very very scarce.


The identical quadruplets they are the product of the fertilization of a single ovule that was divided into two and then again into two giving rise to four embryos. The brothers share the same genetic material and of course, they are the same sex.

The funny thing is that none of the ultrasound performed throughout pregnancy has detected the presence of a fourth embryo. The only explanation is that it happened that it was always hidden behind her sisters, which has made it go unnoticed by doctors.

The little ones must remain admitted approximately the time remaining to turn 40 weeks, hopefully their evolution is positive and they have many unforgettable moments to share the four, including their elusive sister.

Via | Daily Mail On Babies and more | Types of twins, did you know that identical twins are genetically different?

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