The Yellow Dog Project: caution against dogs with a yellow ribbon

Sometimes children approach unknown dogs and the reaction by the dog is not precisely friendly. Therefore, we must accustom the children to always ask before approaching an alien dog.

To avoid such problems, which can make us have a bad time, or worse, an accident, is bornThe Yellow Dog Project, an initiative by which it identifies with a yellow ribbon tied to the strap to the dogs with whom you have to be careful because, for whatever circumstance, they need their own space.

My daughters love dogs. As soon as they see one in the street they start to caress it, and although they always ask before, there are dogs that do not accept willingly to touch them. It does not mean that they are aggressive or bad, there are dogs that get very excited with children and can harm them unintentionally. Simply keep a distance, and the yellow ribbon warns of this situation.

They can also wear a yellow ribbon for dogs that are in training, under some medical treatment, that have been recently adopted, for example, or dogs that are also not suitable for other dogs to approach.

The Yellow Dog Project I think it's a great initiative for both protect children as to respect the dogs' own space and avoid having a bad time. So, watch out for dogs in the park with a yellow ribbon.

Via | Mavish More information | The Yellow Dog Project

Video: What To Do If You See A Dog Wearing A Yellow Ribbon (July 2024).