Help the Magi to have a ride safely for children

Days before Christmas arrived, we published recommendations from the National Association of National Security, aimed at ensuring the safety of outings with children during the holidays. They included some brief note about the distance of security in the big events with Reye's Horse Ridings.

Now we want to echo new advice offered by the same entity, with the intention of transmitting a request from the Magi, who really want to meet again with all the boys and girls next January 5. But they also want to do things well, and for that they know that parents should be a little more aware of the risks, so that everything happens with a certain normality and a lot of happiness.

The Kings of the East ask the daddies:

  • Tell the children that they should stay behind the fences or lines delimited by them. The Kings are going to throw candies to sweeten the evening, but it is not necessary for children to try to catch everyone they find in their field of vision. They can take only a few and leave for other children (or for the helpers of the Kings), or they can take many to distribute them.

  • Help your children not to lose their nerves if other children throw themselves without measure on the sweets, we can kindly ask them to leave, or we can talk to the entourage of the Kings. Explain to your children that it is very wrong to try to fill candy bags, because other children would be very sad about it; No one is happier to take home two kilos of candy.

  • Carry always hand in hand with very young children, and make sure that the little ones go ahead of you so as not to lose sight of them; It is not just to keep them under control, it is that adults need a little illusion. Before leaving, remind them how local police officers or civil protection volunteers are dressed, nobody wants to have the bad drink of a child getting lost, but the result is better if they know who to go to, I would add that he is completely discouraged that Children under 10 years say goodbye to our sight, there are too many people, and they are short.

  • Our children are lucky because the Magi will bring them some gift (some have even opened Santa Claus packages), not all children can say the same. It would be nice if they were grateful, thus apologizing the errors of the Magi, and that they will not be angry, when they do not leave something of what they have requested

They are days of illusion, although illusion it is better that you do not link to consumerism, have a good time everyone, and help others to be happy.