This Christmas come to the Acuarium Zoo camp in Madrid

Zoo Aquarium of Madrid is preparing to live a very special holiday with a new edition of the Christmas Workshops 2013. There will be gifts given to large land mammals and you can celebrate the end of the year with the family of panda bears and many more activities.

Of the December 23 to January 3, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., children of ages included between 4 and 14 years old They will become caretakers of Zoo creatures. The official start of these workshops will be on December 23, under the title "And what do you paint?", where the ingenuity of the little ones will be given free rein with the most original Christmas greetings inspired by some of the emblematic animals of the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid.

The school is over, and a good option This Christmas is the camp of the Acuarium Zoo in Madrid.

December 26 and 27

The "little scientists" They will make an approach to those who develop their profession in direct contact with the most amazing species on the planet. They will be in charge of teaching them, through practical classes, their biology, behavior and the most common veterinary reviews. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring our children closer to wild animals.

December 30, Panda Workshop

The end of the year party will be dedicated to the Panda family: Bing Xing, Hua Zui Ba and her baby panda, born on August 30, celebrating her fourth birthday by coinciding with this children's day in which there will be many surprises for these giant panda bears, the only specimens in Spain.

January 2 and 3, wild gifts

2014 will be the prelude to the preparations for the most magical night of the year. The little ones of the house will become the Magi of the Zoo and they will be in charge of elaborating and distributing gifts to primates, rhinos, bears, elephants or giraffes.

Five intense days to live the wildest Christmas and the most anticipated parties of the year by children at Zoo Aquarium in Madrid.

Video: Spinosaurus fishes for prey. Planet Dinosaur. BBC (June 2024).