Great advertising of toys that encourage girls to be engineers

A video in which we can see a video has gone viral great advertising toys that encourage girls to be engineers. It has been created by the brand of books and toys for girls Goldie Blox, which has been conceived by an engineer determined to change the equation that almost 90% of engineers are men.

She believes that this is because toys that use basic engineering principles such as transmission, construction, axles, gears, etc. They are largely aimed at boys and that girls quickly lose interest in them. He believes that girls have to be given the tools to learn to create and build from the perspective of the game. And also, it teaches us that it can be the most fun.

In titled spot "Princess Machine" It shows three bored girls playing dolls who think of building a giant Rube Goldberg machine that runs throughout the house.

The approach to advertising seems to me to be the most successful, as well as the idea of ​​creating a specific toy to encourage girls to be engineers. It goes beyond the topic that girls just have fun playing dolls. The key is to give them access to different tools to stimulate other types of intelligence and promote equality since they are small through toys.

Video: GoldieBlox & Rube Goldberg "Princess Machine" (July 2024).