Air fresheners such as oils and incenses present health risks. It is not recommended to use them in the presence of children

Since we are fathers and mothers concerned about the health and well-being of our children, I have thought it interesting to share with you this summary of a study recently published in the OCU magazine.

They tell us that air fresheners such as oils and incense have obtained a "suspense" because they emit too many breathable fine particlesIn addition to volatile organic compounds, others clearly harmful (nothing less than benzene and formaldehyde!), also allergenic substances.

According to this consumer organization, it is especially important not to use air fresheners in places without ventilation, nor in the presence of children or pregnant women. Nor is it advisable to expose people suffering from asthma or allergies. And, in case you ask yourself 'what to do to improve the quality of the air inside the home?', The answer is: 'remember what your grandparents and parents did', because ventilating the house is always the best option. Doesn't a nice clean smell stay after? Well, that's it.

There will always be someone who lives on a busy street, and is afraid that the smoke from the cars will enter through the window, then perhaps the time in which it is ventilated should be changed, and several windows open at the same time. Always taking into account that to ventilate is not to have the windows exposed to the outside air all day (although the truth is that with the heat that it is doing right now despite the date, you don't want to miss it), because with 10 minutes they are enough.

What is the danger of oils and incenses?

I return with the analysis of the OCU: a test has been carried out in coordination with consumer organizations in Belgium, Italy and Portugal, the results of which you can read more here, or accessing the 035 edition of the OCU Salud magazine.

'The analysis has only attended the emissions of candles, oils and incenses, evaluating on the one hand the general contamination that they cause and tracking, on the other, the presence of some particularly harmful compounds, such as benzene and formaldehyde, or some of the most allergic substances according to the European Union '.

The products analyzed presented problems already detected in other types of air fresheners such as electric diffusers. But also add the specific problems of air fresheners that are diffused by heat, as the emission of breathable solid particles, which dirty the respiratory tract, or volatile organic compounds, which produce a wide range of harmful effects: headache, dizziness, fatigue ... And what is more serious, carcinogenic substances, such as benzene and formaldehyde.

Candles: more harmless

Of the air fresheners analyzed, OCU only approves the candles. On the rest, the people in charge of the organization, affirm that the oils and incenses that are in the market should be controlled, since it exists a widespread problem due to the excess of harmful emissions. Thus, it would be necessary to withdraw those products that have a very high level of these emissions.

Candles are much more harmless than oils and incenses. Among them there are also differences, highlighting those of Gato Preto, Spaas and Rituals honorably. This means that if manufacturers strive, they can achieve quality products.

As a fact to keep in mind 'the high emission of benzene in the Satya Sai Baba cones has especially drawn our attention. These emit 490 micrograms of benzene per cubic meter, compared to 60 of a cigarette. Wands of the same brand disperse more than 3,000 micrograms of fine particles per cubic meter. And the lemon oil of La Casa de los Aromas multiplies by 125 the recommended limit of volatile compounds'

Some of the products analyzed worsen the quality of the environment, making it even comparable, in terms of toxicity and health risks, to the environment of a heavily loaded smoking room

OCU and the Belgian, Italian and Portuguese organizations have presented the results to the European Commission claiming legislation that sets an emission limit and oblige to show in the labeling the conditions of use and risks that these products may pose for health.

It seems that these products do not serve to clean the air or suppress odors (as indicated by the labeling of two well-known brands of air fresheners); and the most important thing is to remember the risk of inhalation of particles, harmful compounds or allergenic substances.

Images | emi moriya, Bharat Mudgal More information | OCU In Peques and More | The double problem of tobacco consumption in homes with children: exposure to smoke and risk of imitation of insane behavior, Cleanliness is necessary, but an obsession with using chemicals is harmful to the environment

Video: Air Pollutions Effect on Pulmonary diseases and Children. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).