Final teeth: each child at his own pace

Once permanent teeth have come out, we have a total of 28 pieces, to which are added (from the age of 17) the four wisdom teeth. Eight incisors to cut or chop food, four canines to help crush, eight premolars (also called bicuspids) to reinforce the function of cutting and crushing, and eight molars that help the tongue to swallow the food, crushing the food even more thoroughly that the tongue sends to the back of the mouth.

All teeth are important, all have an irreplaceable function at the beginning of the digestion process, but between the milk teeth and the definitive ones there is a difference of eight (between premolars and molars). The first definitive molars usually appear (approximately) around six years.

The exit of the teeth of milk, its fall and the replacement with definitive pieces is part of a natural process from which we can learn many things, without being alarmed when we believe that the teeth forever take time, or in those occasions in which they temporarily live together incisive about to fall and the one that will take its place forever. For me cousin remember that oral hygiene is even more important from the first definitive tooth eruptions, precisely because of this: they are for a lifetime; than possible temporary anomalies. And more taking into account that annual visits to a dentist are recommended, a professional to whom we can transfer all our doubts and concerns, that they and they are delighted to solve the questions we have. Even so, we have prepared this post to help understand the processes, and point out some of the causes that cause a delay in the appearance of the final dentition.

When will the Little Mouse Pérez come home?

It is important to know that the definitive teeth are bigger, so sometimes it will seem to us that they are not well placed, it may simply be that they still do not have space (at least until the jaw widens with growth); on other occasions they fit perfectly because the separate placement of the baby teeth facilitates a good disposition later. Our pediatric dentist says that a “seemingly aesthetically perfect” denture before the definitive denture causes permanent teeth to have trouble locating due to lack of space.

The approximate age at which two of the lower incisors (the first to leave when they are babies, and to fall years later) begin to renew, it's six years. The new tooth is under the gum and presses its predecessor, until it loosens and begins to move, with time (days, weeks) it will fall leaving free space.

However, there are children whose new teeth come out at age five (sometimes four and a half), and others who with almost eight have barely changed a piece, below we will see the causes of the latter situation

At the same time we will observe from the six, the eruption of the first permanent molars behind the milk molars (in total we will have eight molars, four above and four below). These final teeth should be taken care of very well, training the children to take the brush even further back so that they can properly sanitize.

From there the change happens successively for two upper incisors - we usually call them "blades" - and the rest of the lower and upper incisors.

Milk teeth and new teeth learn to live together

Changes will occur in the mouths of the children until the age of twelve, and from adulthood the wisdom teeth will come out. So they will spend several years of mixed dentition in which milk teeth will disappear, being renewed by others that are already forever.

We talk about Mixed Dentition and it occurs in two phases:

  • First period, it will begin around six years as we have already commented, after this, the children will have all the central (lower and upper) and lateral (lower and upper) incisors, in this order; as well as the first definitive molars.

  • From nine / 10 years approximately The second period begins. It is the turn of the lower canines and the first mandibular premolars (also below); while in the maxilla (above) the new first premolar appears, followed by the second premolar. The upper canines are usually the last to change).

This seems like gibberish, and I hope not even more involved, because the ones that replace the milk teeth are premolars (of which we have eight, remember?).

But the final second molars will still have to come out, which happens after the age of twelve (although it may be earlier).

Do you think it takes to renew your teeth?

Theoretically, they can exist variations in the eruption date between six months and one year, but it is to take into account that the teeth erupt earlier in girls than in boys (up to two years before), therefore before we get alarmed we make some calculations, surely after we feel calmer, although we can always talk to the dentist taking advantage one of the revisions to which we take our children.

There are other factors that cause variations at the time of permanent dental eruption, these are usually marked by inheritance, local pathologies or general alterations

Let's see in more detail:

  • Genetics can determine tooth replacementThat is why sometimes situations that we tend to qualify as anomalous are nothing more than the repetition of our own history with dental development.

  • The gender: girls develop the final dentition before boys.

  • Physical causes: anemia or deficiency of iron in blood, malnutrition, lack of balanced feeding, are factors that can determine a late eruption of baby teeth. This section may also include lesions in the mouth, gums, or teeth.

  • Premature birth: According to the WHO and the American Dental Association, babies born before 37 weeks of gestation may have more risk of late tooth development; but even these children, normalize the exchange of teeth (permanent for "milk") from the age of nine.

As you can see everything has an explanation, but before concluding I would like to highlight two important things: I think it is important to consult the doctor in case we have any doubts, because it is the one who will rule out possible diseases or injuries that in all probability will not affect only the mouth of our children Second remember the importance of cleaning your teeth daily, and especially after dinner.

Images | Carissa Rogers, el7bara, Jenn Durfey, Junta de Andalucía On Peques and More | Falling of baby teeth, The discovery of the Little Mouse Perez, represents the end of fantasy?

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