When there is no attachment to key values ​​for living together, abusive behaviors on the Internet increase

Although this is a slightly skewed idea, today it is observed that some minors show little attachment for some of the key values ​​for living together, including caring for one's own and others' privacy, or respecting others. The State Attorney General's Office, in its 2012 Report, reflects the increasing trend in the use of the network to threaten, vex or insult peers.

It is a "phenomenon" that grows among young people, but that continues to be product of a society in which vulgarity, lack of values, and aggressiveness are allowed (and encouraged). It seems that there are several prosecutors who explain it by referring to an educational "deficit" that causes "tyrannical attitudes" in young people, and therefore they appeal to the need for prevention and parental control.

But what behaviors do children reproduce? What content do you watch on television? What impact will it have on them to see how well-known adults are threatened or insulted in public? Or even more, why don't we stop talking about the values ​​that our young people have, and start reviewing our own?

And it seems that young people are against violence (perhaps as a result of a well-intentioned theoretical discourse), but use the network to exercise abusive behavior. It may be necessary more reflections on the need that on the Internet we must relate "as in real life".

In any case, Little is known about the impact that cyberbullying can have on a child's life (remember: from a developing person), although we are aware (we are, right?) that you can end up in suicide of the victim as happened with Amanda Todd or Rebecca Ann Sedwick.

Internet harassment, and more ...

On the one hand, abusive behaviors in classrooms descend, on the other hand increase when boys and girls are onlineThis can intensify the harassment and be "suffocating" for the victim, especially if you do not take into account the psychological limits ("how far I will endure") or physical (how many children go to bed with the smartphone on the table of next, and on!).

And although the use of the Internet has many positive things (and these are what we should promote), we must not lose sight of the fact that minors can participate in sexting, or become victims of grooming. And if it seems to us that all this is exaggerated and will never happen in our family, let's think we should all be more careful when sharing photos that are not ours, and this is a fault that we adults are the first to commit, and it is much more frequent .

The legislation is gradually adapting to new criminal behaviors, so in the new reform of the Criminal Code, it also includes the criminalization of the disclosure of recordings or intimate images obtained with the consent of the victim, but then disclosed without it I know, when they seriously affect your privacy. Y it will be considered a crime to contact minors through technological means to deceive them and to facilitate pornographic images.

In my opinion, parents should have more presence in the lives of our children, with all that that implies. On the one hand to be alert in case any problem arises, and on the other to guide them, show them our values, in an attempt to get civic behavior on the Internet, and develop critical sense.

This is something that if we don't do it, nobody will do it.

Video: What you MUST do to LEAVE an Emotionally Abusive Relationship. Stephanie Lyn Coaching (July 2024).