Babies born by caesarean section would have a higher risk of allergies

Numerous studies tell us again and again that the ideal way to give birth and birth is vaginally, and in the most natural way possible. That is the ideal, and when it cannot be so, when there is a risk to the mother or the baby, it must be intervened and, if necessary, make a cesarean to the mother, as an emergency measure.

One more side effect of caesarean section is that, because babies are not contaminated with their mother's bacteria, which does happen in a vaginal birth, but is contaminated with other surrounding bacteria, the risk of future allergies is higher.

This is what researchers have seen from a study conducted at the KTH: Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, observing that children born by caesarean section have a less bacterial diversity in the first years of life and, consequently, an increased risk of allergy.

This happens because children born vaginally colonize their intestines immediately after childbirth, while those born by caesarean section are much less exposed to microbes and, in addition, many are not known by their body, since they are not from their mother. Conolization of your intestines will be slower and the risk of allergy greater.

To reach these conclusions they studied 15 babies born vaginally and 9 born by caesarean section. The sample is very small and as an isolated study would have very little scientific credibility, however, the conclusions they reach support major research with the same result.

In the study they saw that children with a poorer microbiota, both in variety and quantity, such as babies born by caesarean section, they less stimulated the correct development of the immune system. Something like what happens outside when we say that some dirt is good, but internally.

Based on the results, the researchers commented that it is necessary to know more about the effect of each birth on the microbiota of babies and, in addition, to know more about the repercussions that can have one way or another to be born.

They even explain, and this seems to me to be debated, that in the future the mother's vaginal or fecal bacteria will be transferred to caesarean-born babies to normalize the development of the baby's intestinal flora and even that Probiotic bacteria cocktails will be created for the same purpose

Come on, that in the same way that pharmaceutical companies have managed, in addition to selling drugs to sick people, selling them to healthy people, now they could open a market with babies born by caesarean section, to prevent future health problems. I don't know, maybe I'm raving and instead of getting defensive I should open your arms to such an event. Without going any further, the only child of the three I have who was born by caesarean section has already detected a few food allergies (which may be related or have nothing to do, of course).

Hopefully the data will continue to fall in future studies, since to have all the information we would have to know what happened in 2012 and 2013. WHO, which is very restrictive on this issue, considers that in Spain they are being done, for years , too many caesarean sections. According to what they say, what is expected in a developed country was that there were complications in 5-10% of births, but that some figures close to 15% could be considered acceptable.

Video: Incision Care Discharge Instructions (July 2024).