What to take to the hospital? The basic basket of the newborn

One of the issues that most worries future parents is the basic basket of the newborn, that bag or small suitcase that we should have ready to take to the hospital when the big moment arrives.

And I emphasize the "small" suitcase, because we really do not need to make a large "luggage" to prepare the arrival of the baby. In public and some private hospitals they will provide us with most of the necessary things (diapers, wipes ...).

But assuming that we want to take it prepared for us or that we will not give birth in a hospital, What should the basic trousseau of the newborn wear?

The trousseau of the newborn for the hospital

  • Newborn cotton sweaters, with wide neck opening or lateral or frontal buttoning, to make it easier to dress the baby, a task that at first will seem engineering, but that we will soon carry out as experts. We must carry several, as it is likely that they are often stained by liquid stool.

  • Beanies: The temperature of the newborn baby is not easily regulated, and loses a lot of heat through the head. Therefore it is necessary to wear a newborn hat, made of cotton.

  • Full pajamas or scrubs, which cover from neck to toe. For the issue of temperature regulation, they are essential in the early hours, although if we are in summer we can soon put something lighter to the baby.

  • Socks When they do not wear wraps, protect their feet, which also tend to cool easily.

  • Mittens to avoid scratches on the face (although your baby is probably not scratched).

  • A blanket or lullaby to wrap the child when we go out to bathe him or go for a walk in the hospital, or for when we go home.

All these clothes must be previously washed at home, with neutral detergents and without softener, so that the baby's skin, so delicate, does not suffer.

  • Bibs or gauze in case the baby regurgitates.

  • Newborn diapers, size 0 (although there may be a lot of difference between the size of the different babies). There are some brands of cloth diapers that also offer diapers for newborns, although we have to assess the issue of cleaning if we are in the hospital will not be easy, so we can start trying them once at home.

  • Wet wipes For sensitive skin. We need them to clean the feces, especially the difficult meconium, the first stools of the newborn, which are expelled in several stools during the first 48 hours of the baby's life.

  • Protective cream for the diaper area, one of those that suffer most from moisture and the propensity for irritation.

  • Although they usually provide it in the hospital, gauges are needed for the care of the navel and alcohol of 70 degrees or chlorhexidine, an antiseptic substance (it is something that we will also need at home).

What not to take in the baby's basket

As you can see, in this list we have not included pacifiers (advised against until breastfeeding is established: the AEP indicates that it will be from the month when it does not carry risks, up to 12 months), or shoes (unnecessary while not walking, for which there are enough months left) ...

Nor have we talked about cologne, although if, despite the good smell of newborns (when they do not carry "cake"), we do not resist, do not forget to put it on the clothes and not on the baby's skin.

Regarding bath gel, it is assumed that in the hospital they have the most suitable for babies. Remember that, once at home, in a newborn it is advisable to avoid any synthetic substance of high foaming power, so we will wash the baby with a soap that has a pH of 4 to 4'5.

If we want to use our own towel for the baby's bath (although in the hospital they will have their own), it is small, made of natural and soft fabrics, also previously washed at home.

Nor, because they are not elements of a basket and because not all parents are going to need long trips or by car, have we talked about a stroller or carrycot or child restraint for the vehicle, but they are necessary elements in the cases mentioned. Let's see if there will be no way to return home, with the desire that we will have!

Definitely, It is not an excessive basket, we carry the basics and in addition, another basic question and more in the times that run, is what can they lend or give me? Because instead of gifts that end up forgotten in a drawer, we can ask family and friends to take care of some of these items for the baby's first days of life.

Photos | safetypinheart and chicks57 in Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Newborn care: the baby basket for the hospital, what should the baby basket that is born in winter have? Practical gift: basket with hygiene products for the newborn

Video: What's In My Hospital Bag - 37 Weeks Pregnant! (July 2024).