The most important of the First Lego League challenges is not to win but what has been learned along the way: Orpesa Institute team

The team with their 'senior friend' shows the model of the project

A team from the Secondary Institute of Orpesa (in Castellón) formed by six ESO students, participates next Sunday in the National Tournament of the First Lego League (FLL) held in Valencia.

Judith Vilà is a technology teacher and coach of this team, but this course does not teach any subject to fourth-year students. The advantage of having separated the participation of these students and these students, of any subject, is that those who really have interest have signed up.

The previous call (last year) of the FLL in Valencia, awarded Judith a 'coach prize', one of the subjective awards granted (together with 'young promises' and 'entrepreneurship').

Teresa, Claudia, Vicent, Norbert, Raymond and Cristian, have demonstrated their motivation and interest by meeting outside the school hours with their coach, and receiving the guidance of different professionals, as well as other professors of the Institute. Judith has limited herself to accompany, guide, guide and help if necessary, although 'practically everything students do'. So we have invited you to tell us your experience, and We have really enjoyed the drive and enthusiasm they are putting on their participation in the FLL.

Peques y Más.- It is the second year that your Institute team participates, what have you learned from previous experience? What do you do to motivate your students?

Judith.- After having already gone through a 'First Lego League Challenge', I understand what the true objectives of this friendly competition are: The most important thing is not to win, but everything that is learned along the way, and this takes shape in three fields.

  • Technology: We learn to design and program a robot to do some missions (the same for all participants).

  • Investigation: Innovative research work on the proposed theme should be developed annually, which this year is 'Senior Solutions'. The subject is open, so that each team can opt for the branch of knowledge they want, always complying with the guidelines of such a job.

  • Team work, is the field that as a coach seems to me most important, is what the organizers call 'FLL values'. It is learning to collaborate, help and let yourself be helped, among team members and with other teams. The grand prize of this adventure is everything you learn along the way (much more than originally planned), and above all, check that they are able to 'export' this way of working to other situations outside the team.

This year, the students who participate were sufficiently motivated, so much that it has not been necessary to intervene in this regard.

First Lego League (FLL) presents young people aged 10 to 16 with a real-world challenge, by building robots that perform tasks on a game board that refers to the theme of the challenge. In FLL, the teams guided by their imagination and their coach, discover future scientific-technological vocations. Through this program, they learn and contribute positively in society

Peques and More.- Explain to us what the research work is, and why you have chosen it.

Students.- This year's research was to think of something that could help older people. We went to the Center for Entertainment and Care for the elderly in Orpesa, to talk with them. After many ideas, Mrs. Mercedes (who is now our Senior Friend), gave us an idea to do, it was about developing some system so that the elders don't forget the keys inside the house.

We already have the device mounted on a model to take it to the competition. During the process we have received help from some professionals (as an electronic technician of a Castellón company) who have guided us in the programming process, so that we have solved the problems that were presented to us.

The designed program ends up creating a habit for the elderly to leave the keys in one place, and to take them before leaving home.

We have been looking for a way to apply the program made in a model, because we would like to give the model to our Senior Friend to have it at home.

Meeting with the other teams and seeing what jobs they have developed is one of the things that makes us most excited, because all the jobs will be destined to help people. We would like older people to be proud of us

PyM.- Would you like to be able to 'give life' to your idea? why?

Students.- Of course, as the whole team agreed to develop the idea of ​​solving a problem due to memory loss.

The program developed by one of the participants, It was the representation of this solution. Although it was not easy, the result was indisputable, as it worked perfectly.

From here, we were all very happy to have achieved that a project developed by ESO room students, became a reality, being of great help to the elderly.

PyM.- What is the best of teamwork?

Students.- Undoubtedly, the best thing is that others are always there to help and support, we do not believe that a project like this could be developed without help.

Everything is reflected in a large panel that we must do to bring the day of the competition, it reflects everything we have learned during the months of work from the beginning of the course.

PyM.- It is clear that you are working hard, and I imagine that you will be happy with the progress of the students. But do you consider it necessary to prepare them to compete in the FLL? I mean, how will you address their mood if they are nervous?

Judith.- The robot competition is very fun and exciting, in this sense they have no problem participating. Two teams compete at the same time in a large auditorium with giant screens, music and presenters.

However, each team must also explain their work for half an hour in front of a group of judges in a smaller room, which can also be public. It is to face this moment, so we have also worked during these months. Boys and girls should be able to explain to the judges what they have done (the robot), what they have researched and what they have discovered and learned 'along the way' (FLL values).

In general, they are not very accustomed to speaking in public, which is why it is important to disseminate the work before the competition. In this way, and after the tests, they are safer and realize the things that can be improved.

In this sense, the program has been made known to the elderly people of CEAM, and exhibitions have been held in front of their classmates and high school students.

Boys and girls should be able to explain to the judges what they have done (the robot), what they have researched and what they have discovered and learned 'along the way' (FLL values).

PyM.- What other teachers of the center are participating in the project and how do they do it?

Judith.- No other teacher directly participates, but somehow everyone collaborates when we have a need. The tutor of the students of the team changed the tutoring time so that they could dedicate it to the robot, in fact that time has been decisive, because it was when we received the visit of our Senior Friend accompanied by the director of the CEAM.

The other professor of Technology of the Institute (Fernando Peris) has helped us in the launch of our blog. And now, in the final stretch, many other teachers are helping us by facilitating oral presentations.

The team with their coach

PyM.- What do you expect from your participation on the day of the competition? Do you feel like meeting with other teams and discovering their work?

Students.- For most of us it is the first time that we participate in the contest, so we are a little nervous because we do not know very well what awaits us. Surely the talks we have given have helped us to be better prepared.

Meeting with the other teams and seeing what jobs they have developed is one of the things that makes us most excited, because all the jobs will be destined to help people. We would like older people to be proud of us.

We are aware of several types of help that could be offered to the elderly, and not all are facilities such as parks or centers for the elderly, but we can help them by contributing a little more to society, making them important participants in our lives

This team of six students belonging to the 'Torres del Rei' Institute in Orpesa has worked for ten weeks to solve the challenge, and will participate in the FLL tournament to be held on February 24 in Valencia. From here We congratulate you for the work done and we hope you enjoy transmitting everything you have learned, they will take care of the rest, because surely the hours spent, the work they have done and the effort made, will bear fruit.

We cannot finish without thanking you for having collaborated in this interview, thanks to you we understand a little more what the FLL consists of, and we know that the most important thing is what you are learning along the way.

Images | Judith Vilà Images / More information | Electrobot In Peques and More | The team of the IES Torres del Rei in Orpesa participates today in the Valencia regional tournament of the First Lego League, Children who participate in the Junior First Lego League do field work visiting a Senior Day Center

Video: AQUA ADVENTURE teaser - 20172018 season (July 2024).