Prevention rules for the risk of contagion of warts in the changing rooms of child athletes

Must have a lot of caution in the changing rooms in which the children are changed both in the physical education classes of the school and in the weekend competitions they attend. And in the locker room there is risk of contagion of warts. Warts are a benign lesion that applies to the skin and consists of an increase in the skin's papillae.

Unlike the vulgar wart that rises above the skin, the Plantar wart digs a small cavity and forms a kind of foreign body embedded in the skin of the foot. It is often covered by a callous layer and under that layer a circular surface appears with small red or dark dots, which are dilated papillae. As it is located on the sole of the foot, in pressure zones, it can be very painful.

According to the Spanish Association of Dermatology and Venereology, 10% or 12% of common warts appear in pediatric age, being more common in girls than in boys. Plantar warts are a viral disease that arises from walking barefoot in wet areas, such as changing rooms. They are spread easily by contact and in the water there is no danger of contagion of this virus.

The specialists explain that the best treatment for plantar warts is prevention, that is, always wear shoes when children are in the locker room. There they will always wear flip flops and avoid going barefoot. Also, in case of infection, warts should not be touched. It is also important not to use the same foot towel as for the body, nor exchange them with other children. Nor should shoes be shared and not wear inappropriate shoes.

As we always recommend, It is the doctor who must determine the best treatment, because if you try to manipulate the warts you can cause a greater infection.

Video: Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski (May 2024).