Estivill did not disassemble: still recommends letting children cry at three months

Almost a month ago we explained that EstivillFinally, he had recanted that he had granted an interview to several parents and that in one of his answers he declared that his method was for children over three years old.

Hundreds of parents from all over Spain talked about it online, accusing him of having done a lot of harm to many children without need, although looking ahead we smiled to see that his method was never going to be used with babies. In fact, we talk about using it with three-year-olds and we reach the same conclusion: it is just as cruel to the elders as to the little ones.

However, taking a new look at the interview that was made in El País we realize that it no longer says "three years", but that the word "years" has been replaced by "months", without seeing on the page no annotation that of faith of the errata. Speaking in silver: Eduard Estivill did not retract, continues to recommend his method for children at least three months of age.

The good-natured grandfather is really a crook

It usually happens that the years limit the roughness of the character of people and adults who were insufferable become good-natured grandparents. Others, on the other hand, suffer from an exacerbation of the picture and, if they are insufferable, they become grumpy.

I thought that Estivill had made that change to the good-natured grandfather and that he had decided stop bitterness of children's childhoods with absurd theories like that with three months of age children have to learn habits. However, nothing is further from reality, man only He was wrong to type the word months and put years. His subconscious betrayed him. Surely he was thinking in years, maybe he even thought that instead of three he would have to put thirty (the Estivill method for thirty-year-olds). The fact is that he ended up putting "three years" when what he had to put was "three months."

Estivill must have seen that the network was fuming because of his mistake and had to immediately contact El País to ask them to please change the word years for months, that their image was being greatly affected.

For many, his image was affected for good, as I say, because now we all saw him as the vile doctor who made thousands of children cry that he had finally decided to adhere to science, which says that babies and children should not be allowed to cry, although for many if image was affected for bad, because all who saw him as the savior, the one who had written a method that allowed parents to "teach "To their children to sleep, they had the perfect excuse in the method:" I let him cry because it is advisable, look, he says it here in this book "and now that excuse disappeared.

Everything remains the same

The fact is that, at the end of everything, nothing has changed. We have Estivill for a while, because the worst, to recognize that his method is deplorable had already done it, without wanting to, but he had already done it. Once that step was taken, he could have moved on with all the consequences, knowing that thousands of children could finally sleep closer to their parents and yet decided to correct the error, change “years” to “months” and declare that so, also unintentionally, that it remains the same, that nothing has changed and that yes, three-month-old children who do not sleep well, and those of six months who do not sleep all night, they do it because they have learned to sleep badly. Anyway.

Video: How long is too long to let your baby "cry it out"? (May 2024).