Dance for pregnant women and moms with babies

The dance in pregnancy far from being negative It is a recommended practice, since among other things, it improves mobility, encourages creativity and connects women with their own body.

Therefore, an activity that we suggest if you are expecting a baby or just being a mother are the Dance classes for pregnant women and moms with babies taught by Carolina García in Barcelona.

Carolina is a dancer, choreographer and teacher of contemporary dance, oriental dance, African and Afro-Caribbean dance, and has also been the protagonist of Flex's famous announcement of home birth.

Dance is an ideal exercise to prepare for the delivery, as well as to share a very special moment with the baby. It aims to awaken body awareness, and unites singing, rhythm, with stretching movements, massages and breathing exercises.

In Carolina's own words,

The dance for pregnant women and mothers with babies is the opportunity to feel our body more with movements made and designed for this special and unique moment, in which we need so much care, care and attention. It is an excellent preparation for childbirth and helps us to move, strengthen, stretch, know and feel parts of the body involved in the physical process of delivery, childbirth and postpartum lactation. "

Classes are held on Thursdays from 6 pm to 7 pm.

Video: 27 months pregnant woman dancing with kids. Pregnant Mom Dancing (July 2024).