Eva Hache hits the spot (again): raising children is a gift for society

Eva Hache is a well-known Spanish comedian and actress who has accustomed us to her claim of breastfeeding and family and work conciliation. Today Eva Hache hits the spot again talking about how to raise children is a gift for society, and therefore that society should facilitate parenting.

In an article entitled "Dear lady," he puts his finger on the wounds of men and women because it is clear that having a child and breastfeeding, something that only women can do, is not as valued as it should be. Maybe because they are the ones who run the society.

And as long as women are not paid the same, they are not allowed more extensive work leave while their jobs are not at risk, we will be in a "disadvantage" situation. She mentions the "setback" that motherhood represents for the professional career of women, something we are tired of checking in more or less close cases, more or less media.

It is not about more nurseries, of which children may be fed up (what happens is that they can not tell us), but to find a way for the child to be with his mother the first months or with his father after . That the maternity leave is "decent" and the work and family conciliation measures are effective, real, with more rational and flexible work schedules so that the relationship with the children is not limited to bedtime.

The reason for that claim: that Parenting is a valuable gift for society, we are creating important links, educating the men and women of the future, and it will always be better for the parents to take care of that task, arduous but delicious and inimitable.

But Spain does not trust the benefits of work and family reconciliation, and we talk about administrations, politicians, businessmen, workers ... It would require a total reform, a kind of social pact that allows harmonizing work, school, commercial and family schedules. But for something you have to start, and now we look at the obstacles that women face so they can educate their children.

Precisely the places considered the best to be a mother, such as Finland, Sweden or Norway, have ample maternal casualties and above all they worry that their children grow up healthy and happy.

And be careful because not only "the gentlemen" are the target of criticism of the actress: many women also do not realize the importance of raising children and there are even those who take steps back regarding the rights achieved. Every situation is different, and I don't like to generalize, but these attitudes do little good to other mothers. Are they "confused" mothers, as noted in the article or shouldn't we get in with their "priorities"?

And although what Eva Hache says about the physical changes of mothers, the "setback for our beauties" (especially the issue of tits) we can agree less, in the rest of her speech I think she gives in the nail, and hopefully we are more aware of that fundamental idea: raising children is a gift for society. For them, and for us too.

Video: Message to the school shooters: past, present and future (July 2024).