"Rebuznos and other songs", solidarity children's album

The burritos are lovely animals that have even their own disc. "Rebuznos and other songs" is a solidarity children's album, with songs that talk about burritos and also aims to help these animals.

It is an album of children's songs, mostly originals written by the Asturian composer Carlos José Martínez Fernandez and performed by a nine-year-old girl, Elisa.

The project arose thanks to Elisa's fondness for animals and therefore always a part of the proceeds from the sale will be destined to the protection of animals (especially Burrolandia, a place for donkeys).

"REBUZNOS and other songs" They are educational songs, since allegorically, although the protagonist is a donkey, they speak to us about human relationships. They also have great musical value, since each song is written in its own style, from the couplet to hip-hop, soul ...

In the video you can see a demonstration with a "mix" of songs like "Lazy Donkey", "Nana to sleep a burrito", "Puzzles" ... The girl who sings at her young age already has a wide curriculum of musical performances .

The children's song album "Rebuznos" It can be purchased in various stores and online at a price of 15 euros. We will have to be attentive to see if they perform concerts near home!

Official Site | Rebuznos Video | Youtube On Babies and more | Fun music, educational concerts for children, The Mozart Effect, music for babies, The children's song that we have sung so much: Pin Pon is a doll, The soundtrack of our cars