What do I have to do so that my son doesn't get bored?

Children today suffer from boredom much more than before. There are several reasons and we can remedy it, rather, we must remedy it. Before families were more numerous, the fact that children are only children, is one of the causes (although this does not mean that all single children get bored or that all who have siblings have fun).

It is also due to the social lack of communication of urban life. Another cause of children's boredom can sometimes be a consequence of the overstimulation to which we subject our children: excess television, electronic games, toys with dozens of lights, too many activities led by adults ... in short, any activity that It makes children not take the initiative. Then you will ask What do I do so my son doesn't get bored?

The first thing to ask ourselves is if we really dedicate enough time to our son. Sometimes for work it is not possible for us to spend as much time as we would like with them, to that added that sometimes we get home and we start watching television, watching the cell phone, cooking or anything other than being for them . Our children will ask for our attention with the "I get bored".

Our interest in what happens to them, that we are with them, that we listen to them, that we play with them ... these are the true signs of affection. We must not only spend time with our children but give them quality time, invent games to do with them and enjoy together.

It is very important that we dedicate some time a day to think about things to do with them, in Babies and More we give you ideas of activities to do with children.

Sometimes the fact of being "doing nothing" does not have to mean that the child is bored. Being bored can even be positive.

How can I make the time I spend with my child quality so he doesn't get bored?

  • It is important that we find activities that have to do with nature, we can create them even inside the house.
  • You can prepare a space inside the house for children to play with the elements: a drawer with sand and a table with water (you put them in a bowl on a small table that is at your height). It is important that if you do this activity some limits are established and agreed before starting, such as always wearing an apron or not taking the sand beyond the space enabled ...
  • We choose more natural toys, such as wooden ones compared to plastic ones and other synthetic ones.
  • Have you thought about buying a pet? Surely your son can do a lot of company and learn to take care of him and be responsible.
  • Try to go as far as possible to parks and gardens near you.
  • Take it to the field, so that it relates to nature. This should not be an imposition, but something that comes from within and follows its natural impulse towards nature. Let the children climb the trees.
  • Recover the illusion for nature, get infected with your emotions, you will have fun together.
  • Plant flowers and plants at home and observe their changes.
  • You can have a homemade composter, on the internet you will find hundreds of ways to do it yourself, to recycle your household waste. If you have a balcony or terrace, they are very easy to make and provide organic fertilizer for your plants.
  • Let them cook with you, put a small table next to you and let them investigate with the food you are cooking. You can show them the types of smells and flavors, what touch do the different foods have ...

Going out to play nature will always be a great option against boredom

As I mentioned before, it is important that children do unstructured activities, that is, those that are not directed by adults, that conduct them themselves, in this way we will give them the option to develop their creativity. Adult-led activities are also an option but we must compensate between them.

Let's not confuse the fact of "there is nothing to do" with boredom. Sometimes, these moments of inactivity can culminate in moments of frantic activity.

It is important that we limit television and electronic games. There are times that for simple convenience, we sit them in front of the TV, maybe because we have things to do, but you have to stand firm with them and know when and how long you should be in front of the TV. In my case, I have never forbidden my son to watch television, but he does not endure more than ten minutes in a row ... but of course, every child is different ...

Dedicate quality time to your child in which you enjoy together, activities related to nature, watering and caring for plants, animals, going for a walk, cycling, playing with a ball in nature, going fishing ...

Photos Via | John-Morgan, lilli2de Via | "Educate in Green", book by Heike Freire On Babies and More | What to do with children on rainy days, Collecting treasures in nature with children, Relaxing games for children