Breastfeeding can protect from depression in adult life

Breastfeeding can protect from depression in adult life, or, put another way, that a baby is not breastfed is related to a greater possibility that in adult life he suffers from depression, although the cause and effect of this relationship cannot be determined. This is the conclusion of a work published in the scientific journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

The researchers analyzed the history of a significant number of subjects, concluding that there seemed to be a relationship between artificial breastfeeding and depression, although it was not possible to determine the cause and always pointing out that larger studies are necessary to ensure the claim.

Some possible causes for breastfed babies to be shown to be less likely to have depression would be the intense relationship of the mother and child in breastfeeding, the production of natural oxytocin that protects from stress, that breastfeeding protects from hypertension or its own composition that favors the optimal development of the brain and cognitive or emotional development.

However, there is still much to know in this regard and what to investigate to get to know if Breastfeeding can really protect you from depression in adulthood.