The TVE Clanners take the 'El Chupete' award for best children's character of the year

They just sent us the news that the clanners, the nice characters of Clan, the children's channel of Spanish Television, have been awarded at the 8th International Children's Communication Festival The pacifier. This year this important festival had as its main theme the influence of smartphones and tablets on children and young people.

My daughter says that the characters that appear in the Clanners are very funny and that they teach a lot of things like recycling, singing, dancing, etc. So we are glad that Clan has won the award for best children's character of the year after a 2012 consolidation after the launch in 2011. The Clanners are able to transfer the parallel reality in which they live and access our world and discover how we humans are.

In addition the clanners represent the different roles in society. Thus we have the shy, the playful, the adventurous, the selfish, the curious, the clumsy, etc. and in each of them the children find a character to identify with or that they especially like.

Clanners move between electronic devices and are closely linked to technological objects computers, video consoles, phones, tablets, etc. They are devices that identify kids quickly because children use them almost daily. Maybe on vacation the pace of use decreases markedly because outdoor activities with the pool, the sea or the mountain facilitate disconnection.

Once the first anniversary of the Clanners is fulfilled, it is convenient to take a look at the television to see what new creations they propose to us from public television. Apparently they have started the summer to the rhythm of 'The Subi Dubi Don song' and I don't think they stop. With this song, the Clanners want to convey a positive and playful vision of life and also talk about values ​​such as the spirit of self-improvement.

The goal of 'El Chupete', which we already discussed here, is to create a forum for reflection on the problems and opportunities of the advertising market and children's communication. I have had the opportunity to attend one of the conferences presented and I hope to comment shortly. The facilities where the conference was held were organized by Callao City Lights (#chupetecitylights).

The Clan also had its representation and Yago Fandiño, director of children's content of commented in his speech the tremendous success of Clan applications for mobile devices besides that it will soon launch a Clan Tablet.

We congratulate the Clanners for the prize and remember that the closing of Clan, which is no longer talked about but that does not mean that it is not being raised, it seems to me a mistake.

In Peques and More | Clanners