Strategies to prevent suicide in adolescents

Suicide is (according to the World Health Organization) a serious public health problem, and therefore should require the attention of society and competent administrations (Health and Education mainly). Suicide prevention is possible in terms of providing the conditions for the education of young people and children, effective treatment of mental disorders, and control of risk factors.

María Elena Rivera Heredia (from the Faculty of Psychology / Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo - Mexico) is one of the coordinators of a document on “Prevention of suicide among teenagers”. The text published in 2010 warns that (according to recent statistics) about ten percent of young Mexicans have attempted suicide.

In the same year we could read in different media that 'that serious self-aggression had become the first cause of violent death in Spain', and also that' in 2009 almost 5% of those killed by suicide were teenagers'.

In what there seems to be no agreement is in the position of our country's suicide rates in relation to other nations. Some sources place us among the countries with more suicide, others claim that there are fewer events of this type than those recorded as average in Europe. A premature death is an unfortunate and dramatic fact, more so if it's suicide. Deciding to die at age 14, when there is so much to live, is an example of this. According to recent statistics, about ten percent of young Mexicans have attempted suicide (María Elena Rivera)

Not all young people who have experienced difficult situations attempt suicide. Some of them handle stress and tension better than others. There are those who even learn from difficult situations and strengthen themselves with them. This capacity is called resilience (Walsh, 2004).

People who have greater internal psychological resources, as well as more external resources, such as those of the family and group of friends, have a better chance of successfully facing adverse situations

As with education and prevention in drug addiction, there are some risk factors (to control) and others of 'protection' to be taken into account and enhanced.

Protection against suicidal behavior:

Family patterns

  • Good relationship with family members;

  • Family support;

Cognitive style and personality

  • Good social skills: self-confidence, in your own situation and achievement.

  • Ability to seek help when difficulties arise, for example, in school work.

  • Know how to seek advice when choosing important options.

  • Receptivity towards the experiences and solutions of other people; and also towards new knowledge.

Cultural and sociodemographic factors

  • Social integration, for example participation in sports, cultural or religious associations, clubs and other activities.

  • Good relationships with your classmates.

  • Good relationships with your teachers and other adults.

  • Have the support of relevant people for the young person.

From the mentioned University they carry out a research project called Health promotion and prevention of problem behaviors in high school students. They tell us that 'the suicide attempt has a very close relationship with depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation. The latter consists of thoughts that express the intention or desire to die. The presence of depressive symptomatology - and suicidal ideation - increases the probability of suicide attempt.

In a study based on first-year high school students (remember that this project and study are Mexican), researchers found that most of the teenagers who tried to commit suicide did so because of a trigger. The fact usually occurs at home: a conflict with parents, accompanied by the feeling of not being sufficiently appreciated and loved by those around him.

But nevertheless, It is not a single cause, but a decision that is being built over time, and that is accompanied by individual, family and social factors

Already in 2004, WHO warned 'rates tend to increase with age, but recently there has been an alarming increase in suicidal behaviors among young people aged 15 to 25. With the exception of rural areas in China, more men than women commit suicide, although in most places suicide attempts are more frequent among women. '

One way to prevent teenage suicide is to strengthening their personal resources so that they can have more tools when facing the problem situations they experience, such as problems with family, problems with friends and problems with himself. Psychological treatments should also be given to children and adolescents who present with psychiatric problems, as well as provide prevention resources in drug use, since many times suicides are associated with the consumption of addictive substances.

Video: Teen Suicide Prevention (July 2024).