Allergy to pollen and grasses in children: symptoms and treatment

He grass pollen It is considered as the main cause of allergic disorders in Europe. These herbaceous plants, occupy 20% of the world's plant surface, are the basic animal food source (the pastures are formed almost entirely by grasses) and are part of human nutrition: rice, corn, wheat, barley, rye, sugar cane, etc.

This type of pollen It has a size that allows a fairly deep penetration into the airways, with spherical shape and granular surface. There is a very high cross-reactivity, between pollens of different genera of grasses, this means that when a patient becomes allergic to one of them, he will also be allergic to most other pollens in this family.

As regards the seasonal pollination, there is a great influence of the rains, therefore, when it rains a lot in a period that goes from October to March it has as a consequence that the spring is shown with a high concentration of pollen. There are grasses in the environment about six or ten months a year, but the greatest agglomeration occurs in the months of April, May and June and with the arrival of high temperatures decreases.

The main symptoms of the allergy are: conjunctivitis(which includes tearing, itchy eyes, reddish color of the conjunctiva, swelling and gritty sensation in the eyes), rhinitis (nasal itching, heavy mucus, sneezing and obstruction of the nose), asthma (cough, chest beeps, expectoration, fatigue), urticaria. It is also accompanied on many occasions by periods of fatigue and tiredness.

Some basic tips What allergists give us are: avoid going out early in the morning or late in the afternoon and that is because pollen tends to settle on land. Keep the windows of the house and the car closed, avoid drying clothes outdoors because it will be impregnated with pollen, vacuuming at least once a week, not going out when the wind blows, showering before bed to remove pollen from hair and skin and if we are very reactive to pollen go outside with a mask. In any case it is essential to follow the instructions of the specialists.

The most sensible thing is go to the allergist which will assess how it affects us, will make a diagnosis and give us a specific treatment tailored to each patient, which will lead to an important improvement, which will allow us to avoid the worsening of symptoms and especially relieve allergies.

Video: What Are Pollen Allergies and How Can You Manage Them? (July 2024).