The importance of play in children's self-esteem

We have talked about children's self-esteem and of the bases to be able to develop it: to be protectors with them, preventing them from suffering aggressions, offering them upbringing and being consistent with the limits. But there is more and a fundamental value is our attitude towards the most important activity that children develop: the game.

Now we are going to offer you, within our Maternity and Paternity Course, some tips on children's play that will contribute to their continued growth, confident of themselves and, fundamental to achieve this, sure of our love.

The importance of the game

The game is necessary for development Physical, emotional and cognitive of children. In fact, children learn with the game. It is simply how we are made, not only humans, but all mammals, which, the more they play, the more they develop their capacity for learning and relationship.

The wolf and lion cubs play a lot. They play to become strong and fast, to learn to hunt, but also to learn to relate to others and to internalize what adults teach them. Monkeys play, have fun and exercise, imitate adults and explore the physical world and relationships with other members of their species.

In humans, an animal that has monkey characteristics but also a great complexity in group relationships to be able to act as a team, the game is even more necessary.

Children absorbed in their game are doing a very important job for their self-education as human beings. With the game they explore, imitate, learn and discover solutions. Actually playing is the most serious thing a child does and, in fact, interrupting your games without need is the worst What a parent or educator can do.

Sometimes the game is solo, sometimes in company. Those company games will sometimes be, as they grow older, with other children, but they must also be with their parents. Everybody the children love that their parents play with them, be simply looking, be collaborating.

And they love it so much that, playing with them, teaches them how important this activity is so necessary and interesting for them and how important are they to us. That is why playing with children, dedicating them time and attention, is one of the bases for them to build their self-esteem. We tell them without words how much they interest and matter to us when we play with them.

When I talk about playing with children I'm not talking about directing your game, send them what they have to play or interrupt them continuously to tell them how they have to do things. That is not playing, it is annoying.

Playing is not annoying

Few things are more desperate than to see a child struggling to make a tower or place their animals and see the adult holding his hand to mark the right way to do it, as if the child could never discover it by himself or as if there were not many different ways of doing things. That attitude towards children's play more than helping, destroy self esteem.

Of course parents can contribute to the game, we can advise if we are asked for help, and we must avoid dangerous attitudes. But to play is to surrender to shared fun and to the astonishment of the child. And it is fundamental for its development.

Play with the kids

Sometimes it is enough to be present, sometimes the child will ask us to show him something or to interact, but above all he will appreciate that we leave our adult occupations and give courage to game experience. And that, that does help to strengthen his self-esteem, that we show that what is important for him is also for us for the pleasure of his company.

Playing with children is sometimes complicated, especially when they ask for the same game or the same story repeatedly or when we are in a hurry for obligations. But we must think that it is important, it is not a waste of time, but an investment in your emotional health and a way to build a bond of love with our children.

Within this importance of the game I include other pleasant activities shared, whether watching a movie, reading a story, telling a real or imaginary story or painting together. It is also a walk in the park, go to a museum or go out to the countryside to enjoy together.

Parents can reinforce the self-esteem of children having a correct attitude towards children's play: encouraging, respecting and sharing. We will see, in the next topic, other mandatory recipes to help children grow with self-esteem.