"Are you mother enough?": Time-bound parenting

We want to show us the last Cover of Time magazine, which asks "Are you mother enough?", referring to a debate that has often arisen in the blog, and that you will understand perfectly through the subtitle: “Why does parenting with attachment take some mothers to extremes and how did Dr. Bill Sears become his guru? ? ”

The cover undoubtedly attracts attention, with a mother breastfeeding her three-year-old son, putting up as controversial parenting practice on the table as prolonged breastfeeding.

The protagonists of this cover are not professional models, the woman is Jamie Lynne Grumet, photographed by Martin Schoeller with her three-year-old son. She is a mother from Los Angeles who subscribes to parenting with attachment, a way of being a parent who has been increasing for the past two decades.

And this is so since the pediatrician William Sears will coin the term “attachment parenting” in his work “The book of the baby” in 1992. Dr. Bill Sears, famous in the United States for his books and for frequenting television programs, was also responsible for the term "high demand baby."

The three fundamental principles of parenting with attachment were breastfeeding, sleeping together and carrying the baby, so that the child is physically attached to his parents thus favoring the emotional bond. The pediatrician has his own website, Ask dr. Sears, which offers advice for parents, training courses, books ... and we are introduced to other doctors "family of Dr. Sears".

To make the cover, the photographer captured with his camera four mothers who practice parenting with attachment, breastfeeding their children, and liked the idea that the child climbed into a chair, to represent that it can hardly be in arms Mom's breastfeeding.

Each of the mothers knows the philosophy and work of Dr. Sears, but they have their own reasons for raising with attachment and do not respond to traced stereotypes.

On this he deepens the article written by Kate Pickert and focused on the figure of the American pediatrician, "The man who remade motherhood", which tells us the story of these mothers and why Sears has become his guru. Another thing is if you can be "mother enough", that is, more or less mother, depending on your way of raising ...

Video: IT CHAPTER TWO - Final Trailer HD (July 2024).