Parents can help our children to be optimistic

Maybe it is something that you have not repaired, but the attitude we have towards life in a certain way is transmitted to those who are closest to us. A new study states that five-year-olds understand that people feel much better after having positive thoughts, and that parents can help our children to be optimistic.

We have talked a lot of times about how the example of parents influences the way of being of children. If we eat healthy, children will incorporate the habit, the same if we exercise regularly. If we are educated and tolerant of others, children will be too, and so we could continue with many more examples. Because children do what they see, and in part they are what we parents are.

A new study by researchers at the University of Jacksonville and the University of California-Davis (USA) reveals that children understand the benefits of positive thinking, that is, it is better to think positive. But they have also seen that the parents are fundamental so that the child understands how positive thinking can help them in negative situations How to fall or hurt yourself.

Joy, seeing things positively helps people to be happier. Children learn to relate to their environment through parents, so the attitude we transmit will assimilate it naturally.


As the researchers found after reading six stories to the children, the little ones can understand how thoughts influence our mood. However, as they get older they will better understand the relationship between emotions and feelings.

They could also verify that in difficult situations such as falling or harming themselves, the attitude of the parents is essential so that the child could understand the importance of dealing with problems with optimism.

Therefore, we must know that parents can help our children to be optimistic. It does not mean minimizing their problems, but having a positive attitude towards life so that they are able to face frustrations and try again with optimism when they are wrong.

Video: Raising an optimistic child in a pessimistic world. Ryan Maass. TEDxYouth@TeAro (May 2024).