When pregnancy is not as pretty as you thought

In the minds of people who have not been through it, there are usually two types of pregnant women: the happy and the depressed, a vision that is often the result of what advertising and cinema shows us. Especially a vision of the happy pregnant woman predominates because she looks forward to a child.

I will not deny that, except in the case of unwanted pregnancies, there is that illusion. But can you expect a child without being happy? Is it possible, and, more importantly, It is normal that our pregnancy is not as beautiful as we expected? A woman may increase her discomfort if she thinks (or is led to believe) that it is not normal for her mood to be not optimal.

But character changes during pregnancy are common, since hormonal changes revolutionize our body, and probably our feelings are a merry-go-round that goes through sweet and bitter moments, through critical and quiet moments.

Feeling bad about oneself is normal, and it can be due to many reasons, from the most physical to the most psychological. A woman can have a bad pregnancy because she has nausea or other discomforts associated with pregnancy, because she is afraid of the unknown, because she is worried about the new responsibility, because she is not as great as the pregnant women of the ads ...

Precisely the physical appearance of the pregnant It usually causes bad feelings in future moms, who see how their body undergoes a revolution and unexpected changes. That is why it is important to know well what these changes may be, so that they do not catch us by surprise (then it is more difficult to understand them) and accept them naturally as something (usually) passing.

Stains on the face or chloasmas, stretch marks, swollen ankles, extra pounds (maybe too many) ... are some of the "side effects" that the ads don't talk to you about.

But girl, if you should be happy ...

Feeling bad during pregnancy is normal, but your environment makes you see no, and that you are the one who (yes or yes) should change your “attitude” because pregnancy is a very beautiful stage of life. But we don't talk about attitude, but about feelings.

To be told that "you should be happy" (and not only do family and friends, it is the image that, as we said at the beginning, is offered by pregnant women in the media) does not help the pregnant woman at all but can also plunge her into a feeling of guilt .

This fact can lead the pregnant woman to hide her situation, which increases the discomfort, since It is healthy to say that you are having a bad pregnancy, and the environment should respect this feeling and support women as much as possible.

Of course, the woman can also try to improve her mood, not prostrating herself in bed, which could lead to a depressive state, clearly detrimental to both the mother and the future baby.

Unless there is a medical contraindication, the mother's moderate exercise is very beneficial for the mother's physical and psychological state.

The pregnant woman may also think that her mood may change in a few weeks, but nothing happens if it is not, even until the end of pregnancy. Normally, when the baby arrives, even if it is so topical, "everything bad is forgotten." If this is not the case and symptoms of discomfort persist, a specialist should be consulted so as not to fall into postpartum depression.

Enjoy free time looking for pleasant leisure activities, share experiences in a childbirth preparation group, take care of your own well-being by resting, doing yoga or relaxation classes, talk with the couple and family ... they will contribute to the well-being of the future mother and that the inconvenience or bad drinks of a pregnancy that is not as pretty as we thought Don't beat us

Extreme cases

While in general that a woman does not feel that her pregnancy is beautiful it is normal and is usually temporary or does not affect the health of mother or baby, there are extreme cases that should receive specialized help, as is the case of the mother with diagnosed depression.

For some women, pregnancy can mean a period of distress and depression that is difficult to cope with. Depression of the mother could lead to smaller children, advance childbirth, have more irritable children ...

Some symptoms of depression are persistent sadness, sudden mood swings, feeling like nothing is fun, lack of concentration, anxiety, irritability, sleeping problems, extreme tiredness, eating disorders such as eating at all times or not eating anything ... Yes A woman has several of these symptoms persistently should ask for medical help to make a correct diagnosis.

There is another phenomenon called tocophobia or irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth, suffered by about 3% of women. It is usually a phobia that develops women who have never had children, but it can also occur in others with children or pregnant women.

In this case, as in the previous one, one should seek psychological help, the understanding of the couple and the support of the family, which are fundamental to try to overcome the irrational fear of pregnancy and childbirth that they suffer and that could even lead them to Try to hurt yourself.

In short, although many for women pregnancy can be a wonderful stage, we should not think that when pregnancy is not as pretty as you imagined You are going through a rarity. The environment should be comprehensive with these women and help them as much as possible to make them feel better.

Video: Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (July 2024).