A woman who had developed a four-month fetus outside the uterus is involved

One of the biggest concerns of a woman when she knows she is pregnant is to confirm that the embryo is where it should be, and not outside, in what is known as an ectopic pregnancy.

The reason for this concern is that by not developing in the womb, the chances of the pregnancy ending well are low, very low and the risk to the mother is evident, as a baby grows in a place that is not prepared to house it .

This is what has happened recently in Sullana, Peru, where a woman housed a baby in her abdomen for four monthsThe gynecologists decided to intervene to avoid risks to the mother.

Something very similar happened a few months ago in Romania, where a woman went to the emergency room for abdominal pain, taking the (unpleasant) surprise that she had gestated a baby in her intestines for six months. The baby was already dead and was also intervened, logically.

In the case at hand, the gynecologist, Saúl Marroquín Lozada, explained that the chances of this happening are very low (of one in a million, he said) and added the following.

The 24-year-old patient, identified as María Villa Zapata, presented her first pregnancy and had the fetus lodged outside the uterus, in the abdominal cavity, so she was operated two days ago in the Support hospital. The fetus developed up to 4 months pregnant and the chances of life were zero. This is the first case seen in the north.

The reason for the operation, even knowing that some babies born ectopically have been born alive, is the risk that the size and weight of the baby may compromise the intestines or other vital organs of the mother. In this specific case the baby was attached to the fat that covers the intestines and the placenta to the left tube

As I always read this news, the worst feeling remains when I try to think about the feelings of the woman who lives it. It should not be very pleasant to think that you were gestating a baby, that he reached four months, that he was out of place and that your life has been at risk for something that in theory should be one of the most wonderful events that exist.

Video: Recreating the Womb: New Hope for Premature Babies (July 2024).