“One Born Every Minute”, a reality about births

It will not be the first of its kind, but of Spanish production. The most intense moments of the birth of a baby will be picked up in a new reality show by laSexta It will be released in a few months.

The context where the images of the protagonists will be collected will be the Maternity of ODonnell of Madrid and will be made from the adaptation of the “docu-reality” of international production that has garnered great successes in other countries and that can already be seen in our screens, “One Born Every Minute”.

LaSexta will issue this success format in Spain from January, in which it will lead the team of the new program specialists in other reality TV programs.

“One Born Every Minute” (will there be no translation for the title?) Will be produced by Shine Iberia, a Spanish subsidiary of the Shine Group, owner of the format and responsible for the production of this documentary series in countries such as the United States, France or England.

The television network has also advanced that the program will be "a megaproduction", where dozens of cameras installed in the hospital will reflect everything that happens around the birth of a baby.

He docu-reality It will show the dramatic, exciting and fun moments of the arrival of a child in the world, and approaches the different stories that revolve around the birth, showing how their future parents and their families feel in one of the most special moments of their life.

In addition, it will also offer a portrait of the healthcare staff that makes this moment possible: doctors, midwives and nurses, among many other professionals. We hope to see many respected and happy births!

I already told you that personally I would not like my baby to be one of those "first babies of the year" that become the news of January 1 on many televisions, so I would not like to have a camera "stuck", nor to me nor to my parts (although they are quite discreet), that I picked up the process of my birth.

But surely there are many parents who would not mind keeping a unique memory of the first moments of their babies and how they reach the world in this new reality about births which will issue the Sixth from January. We will be attentive to the program.

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Video: Giving Birth for the First Time. One Born Every Minute (July 2024).