Lifetime games (II): palms, corrosives and recreational games

A few days ago we remembered some lifelong games to those who surely have played in your childhood. Our intention is to rescue the traditional games, the usual ones, so that you can show them to your children.

In the previous post we focused on chase, ball and rope games. Now we are going to list in addition, a compilation of palms, corros and recreational games.

They are games that require less physical activity than scrolling games such as hide and seek, kill them or jump rope. They are less intense, they are aimed at the entertainment of the little ones, but they also provide important benefits for their development.

The palms, corros and other recreational games They contribute, among other things, to promoting social relationships, collaboration between partners, sharpening the senses, developing visual and auditory memory and the ability to observe.

Palms games

  • Don Federico: They clap while the song is sung (it sure sounds like you): "Don Federico lost his wallet, to marry a seamstress, the seamstress lost his thimble to marry a general, the general lost his sword to marry a beautiful lady, the beautiful lady lost her fan, to marry Don Federico, Don Federico lost his eye to marry a louse, the louse lost his legs to marry an elephant, the elephant lost its tail to marry a "pesi cola", the "pesi cola" lost its bubble to marry a bad witch, the witch lost her kitten to marry Don Federico, Don Federico said: No, no, no, and the witch passed out, the next day he said: Yes, yes, yes, and the bad witch. He said: Over here. ". A word from each phrase such as "portfolio", "seamstress", "general", etc. It is accompanied by the corresponding gesture.

  • Take tomato: A circle is made and the palms of the hands are put up, one of them on the palm of the partner next door. You start by slapping the partner and singing: "Take tomato, take it, ia ia oh, plop, Take tomato, take it, ia ia oh, plop, Take tomato, take it, ia ia oh…". At the third "plop" the partner who hopes to receive the slap must avoid it, but must perform the pledge or test that is ordered.

  • On 24th street: Normal pats are given and repeated at the end of each word at the rhythm of: "On the street ... lle ... lle, twenty-four ... tro ... tro, has happened ... do ... do, a murder ... to ... to. An old woman ... ha ... ha, killed a cat ... to ... to the tip ... ta ... ta of the shoe ... to ... to. Poor old ... ha ... ha, poor cat ... to ... to, poor tip ... ta ... ta, to the shoe ... to ... to ". It is quite simple, so it is ideal for children.

Running games

  • Potato run: along with the hiding place, it is one of the most traditional children's games. It has many variants, depending on where it is played. All children shake hands in a circle (or round) and sing: "When I run the potato, we will eat salad, the one that the gentlemen, oranges and lemons eat. Alupé, alupé, alupé, sit down I stayed" (crouch).

  • To the shoe behind: A run is made on the floor sitting shaking hands and the one with the shoe goes around the run while everyone sings: "To the sneaker from behind, tris-tras. You neither see nor see it, tris-tras. Look up, beans fall. Look down, chickpeas fall. To sleep, to sleep, the Magi come ! ". At the end of the song everyone should close their eyes and count to a number (10 for example). Whoever has the shoe has to leave it behind someone. When you open your eyes, check who has left the shoe and it should run after the first one, until you get caught or it gets rid by sitting in its place.

  • The yard of my house: The children shake hands in a circle (a child can go to the center) while singing. The patio of my house is particular, when it rains it gets wet, like the others. Crouch down (crouch all) and duck again, (crouch all) that crouches don't know how to dance. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, A (clapping each letter) that if you don't love me another boyfriend will love me. Chocolate, grinder, run, run, I catch you. To stretch, to stretch, (they stretch the circle making it bigger) that the demon is going to pass (the loop closes until it joins together).

Other recreational games

  • Broken shoe: Children should form a circle (well together) and should put one foot towards the center of the circle next to the partners' feet. A player guides the game, and begins to sing "Broken shoe, change the other", while saying this, the player must point to the shoes one by one, in order, including. The last one to point should change the foot for the other. He will continue singing, starting from the boy who changed his foot, and if he touches him again, he must leave the game. The remaining player wins, having changed only one foot or none.

  • The knot: all the children holding hands are bundling each other, without letting go of the hands, and the first two of each end have to try to slide the group.

  • Blind Gallinta: a space is delimited and a child's eyes (the little chicken) are blindfolded. The others around ask: "Blind little chicken, what have you lost?" and answer: I have lost a needle and a thimble. They take three turns on himself and start looking for others. When he catches one, he has to guess who he is by touch. It is a very interesting game because in addition to developing sensory perception it promotes concentration and trust in others.

I had a great time remembering the lifelong games I have compiled in the previous post and in this one. I hope you have brought good memories and that you share these games with your children. Do you remember any more?

Photos | Nir Nussbaum and Brianfit on Flickr In Babies and more | Games of a lifetime (I): of chase, with balls and rope, Games of a lifetime

Video: E3 Coliseum 2019 Day 2: Wednesday with Jablinski Games Live, CD PROJEKT RED and More (July 2024).