Children breathe heavily polluted air at the door of schools

With the return to school we usually focus on what happens inside the school, but it is also important to know what happens outside. The OCU has denounced that children breathe heavily polluted air at the door of schools, mainly because of the intense traffic of the cities.

On the occasion of the new school year the Organization of Consumers and Users has prepared a study on the levels of air pollution at the entrance of the schools of Madrid, Toledo and Valladolid warning that the air that children breathe is at risk levels. They speak of figures that exceed or approximate the recommended daily limits for health.

The truth is that the intense traffic at the doorstep of schools at peak hours causes the levels of pollutants to be shot in the air, so as a solution the promotion of non-motorized transport, parking management and traffic reduction in areas is proposed. key at peak hours.

It is suggested, whenever possible, to go to school on foot or by public transport, to try to reduce pollution levels. The first option, that of going on foot, is undoubtedly the most advisable because it is the most economical, ecological, and also helps the child to perform one minute of physical exercise.

An effort is also requested from the authorities to regulate traffic at peak times and manage traffic jams and traffic jams caused by uncoordinated traffic lights, bus stops without room to maneuver and the large influx of crosswalks.

Than children breathe heavily polluted air at the door of schools It is a problem that concerns us all, parents are the first to contribute in what we can to create a more sustainable environment.

Video: Air Pollution. #aumsum (July 2024).