The lottery that will reward with a baby

The British newspaper The Sun announces it today: a lottery that, for 20 pounds the ticket, will reward the winner with an assisted fertilization treatment. The prize of this lottery is "win a baby" and the publication states that the lottery has already been legally licensed.

This controversial contest, which offers the possibility of "winning a baby" offers a prize of 25,000 pounds in assisted fertilization treatment for the winner, taking into account the different needs according to age, sex, sexual orientation or medical reproductive problems or Short-term winner: in vitro fertilization, sperm or egg donation, use of embryo donation or other techniques.

Any adult, not only those who demonstrate reproductive problems, can participate, but clarify that doctors would decide on the viability of pregnancy.

Logically baby lottery It has aroused numerous criticisms of those who believe that people cannot be a prize or a commodity. And I have been shocked by the frivolization of fatherhood that involves doing these things, playing the lottery to see if your son touches me seems scary, although I understand that the price of these treatments can be prohibitive for some people.