Fatherhood makes us want a better world for our children

By becoming parents, we want more than ever a better world for our children. This is what has happened to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO who has been awakened by his more altruistic side. Together with his wife, Priscilla, they have just been the parents of a girl, Max, and to celebrate her birth, Mark has surprised us with an emotional letter addressed to her in her profile. In it he announces that he will allocate nothing less than 99% of his actions so that his daughter grows up in "a better world than the one we have today".

When the richest young businessman in the world has a gesture of this magnitude, it makes us think that a better world is possible, that airs of change come. A few days ago he announced that he would take two months of paternity leave when his baby was born, because he believes that there is nothing better than being with her for the first months of her life.

Priscilla and I are so happy to welcome our daughter Max into this world! For her birth, we wrote a letter to her about…

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation You will receive a donation of 45,000 million dollars. It will basically deal with boost the advancement of human potential and the promotion of equality.

The idea is, on the one hand, to focus efforts in fields such as medicine, economic opportunities or access to information. And on the other, focus on poverty and the impulse of minorities that do not usually have representation.

Zuckerberg will remain in charge of Facebook, his daughter will not lack anything, but through her he feels that he also has a moral responsibility towards the children of the new generations.

Everyone to the best of their ability

Seeing them newborns, so vulnerable and with a lifetime ahead, we want them to live in a better world than ours. Zuckerberg's is a big example, and of course very commendable, but we all have in our hand the responsibility, however minimal, of leaving our children a better worldAre we doing something to get it?

Video: What is the most important influence on child development. Tom Weisner. TEDxUCLA (July 2024).