From a movie: a woman gives birth on a plane

It seems the typical story that we can only find in a movie, when in a scene on an airplane it seems that the thing can not go over and suddenly a pregnant woman begins to feel labor pains screaming from "A doctor!", But This time it is real: a woman gave birth on a plane.

The event occurred at dawn on June 3, when Priscilla, the mother, returned home after attending her father's funeral in African lands.

The flight was from Iberia and the route was the Malabo-Madrid. The woman was accompanied by her second son, 2 years old, and her aunt. When the plane had been flying for two hours Priscilla began to notice contractions more and more in a row.

I told my aunt, because I had contractions very often; she told me that it couldn't be, that I still had a week left. Let me relax.

But children are born when they have to be born, not when doctors say they have to be born, that's why Antonino came to light in the air, although neither the place nor the moment were the most appropriate.

We have started by saying that the delivery was almost a movie and in certain aspects it was, because when the flight attendant asked if there was a doctor on board, a Bolivian doctor, an Argentine pediatrician and a midwife appeared. Come on, almost more professionals than if I had given birth on land.

The delivery was fast, only 15 minutes and, as there were no complications, the toilets told the commander that it was not necessary to divert the route to the nearest airport. At seven in the morning, when they landed in Barajas, an ambulance transferred the mother and the newborn to La Paz Hospital.

Antonino weighed 3 kilos and measured almost 50 centimeters and the mother said that although she was advised not to fly, because she was 36 weeks old, she wanted travel to his country to say goodbye to his father. Logical.

Regarding the recommendations of flying pregnant or not, I was surprised by this case because I believed that women in state were not allowed to fly directly. However, I have visited the Iberia website and as they say they do not prohibit, but they do not recommend traveling while pregnant and, after 28 weeks, consult with a doctor about the convenience of flying. After 36 weeks, when recommendations are more imperative, every woman who wants to fly must consult a doctor which, in theory, should make a medical authorization.

Video: Airplane Birth (July 2024).